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I'm looking for relatives of Bridget Kennedy (cousin to presdent Kennedy's family). If anyone knows anything please let me know.

Tuesday 12th Feb 2013, 03:31AM

Message Board Replies




    Thanks for your message.

    I hope that someone who has information on Bridget or her family makes a connection with you.

    Do you have any other information on her that you can share? Do you know when she lived in the area? Did she ever leave? Was she married? Etc.

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search. .

    Kind regards,       

    Genealogy Support




    Thursday 18th Apr 2013, 09:42AM
  • Hello. 

    My name is Bridget Kruger, my Grandfather was Norman Kennedy, 2nd cousin to President Jf Kennedy.  I know this for certain because when JFK became President, he had his entire geneology done and traced and then sent out letters to all the Kennedy clan as far and wide as he could worldwide. My Grandfathers Grandfather emigrated to South Africa around the same time that JFKs family emigrated to the US. Unfortunately, the letter i speak of, was lost over the years and cannot be found. My mother and many of her family did see and read this letter, but alas, we can not prove its existence. I believe there were a great deal of family members that received these letters. I personally would love to have had a copy of such a letter. 



    Friday 6th Dec 2019, 11:40PM

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