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Good evening.  I am trying to trace my maternal grandfather, Peter Joseph Doyle.  I think he was born March 1917 in new Ross.  He moved to England at some point, guessing between 1935 and 1940.  He settled in South London, the Tooting area, and married Joan Louie Evans.  He went on to have three children, Pamela Jean, b. 1941, John b.1943, and Cherelyn b. 1950.  Peter died in 1986 in Croydon, South London.  At the time of his death he was a bus driver.  If you have any information i would be extremely grateful.  Regards Gary Newton.


Thursday 13th Nov 2014, 04:53PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Gary

    The only record of a birth/baptism of Peter Doyle in Wexford around 1917 on is a baptism:

    Peter Doyle of Shilmane 18 July 1910 in TAGOAT RC Parish

    Parents Nicholas Doyle & Mary Jane Furlong 

    Sponsors Patrick Lambert & Ellen Doyle

    There is a note at the bottom which says Luke Doyle PP married Elizabeth Morris in Ballymore Church June 16 1940



    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 13th Nov 2014, 07:21PM

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