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Elizabeth Walsh born in Athlone 1830 - was she one of the Famine Orphans who traveled to Australia on the "Tippoo Saib" in 1849/50? Any help greatly appreciated.



Monday 26th Aug 2013, 08:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Rosalie

    Have you checked out the Irish Famine Mamorial site it is based in Sydney and they have a fantastic database on the orphens and where they eventually settled some may not be on the database but we have a Facebook page on this subject and can check out further if you do not find Elizebeth there.

    This is the link to Memorial site

    Get back to me if you have any difficulty

    Regards Bill Ryan. 

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 08:43AM
  • Thank you Bill for your reply. I have been to the Sydney Famine Orphan data base in the past but have had no luck with Elizabeth. I now know she was born in Athlone about 1830 and she may or may not have been a 'resident' in the Mullingar Workhouse. She may have called herself Eliza, in fact that is the name that appears on the marriage certificate when she married my great, great grandfather John Howarth in 1851 but has used Elizabeth on some of her children's birth certificates.  I really would like to know more about her so if you can help further I would be very grateful indeed.

    Regards, Rosalie Busch



    Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 08:59AM
  • Hi Rosalie

    Ok will attempt to get further info from some of  our group who specifically deal with Famine orphans.

    Regards Bill.

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 28th Aug 2013, 10:17AM
  • Hi Rosalie

    Just came across this on database and as you can see there is a contact email for her sister Mary Jane.


    • Surname : Walsh
    • First Name : Eliza
    • Age on arrival : 15
    • Native Place : Castlelost, Westmeath
    • Parents : Peter & Elizabeth (father living at Castlelost)
    • Religion : Roman Catholic
    • Ship name : Tippoo Saib (Sydney Jul 1850)
    • Other : Shipping: nursemaid, cannot read or write, no relatives in colony; sister Mary also per Tippoo Saib; mother's maiden name Sweeney; see entry or her sister
    • Surname : Walsh
    • First Name : Mary (Mary Jane)
    • Age on arrival : 16
    • Native Place : Castlelost, Westmeath
    • Parents : Peter & Elizabeth (father living at Castlelost)
    • Religion : Roman Catholic
    • Ship name : Tippoo Saib (Sydney Jul 1850)
    • Workhouse : Westmeath, Mullingar
    • Other : Shipping: nursemaid, reads only, no relatives in colony; sister Eliza also per Tippoo Saib; mother's maiden name Sweeney; married Henry Lindupp (crew on 'Saladin' to Sydney Sep 1852) on 10 Oct 1853 at St Philips, Sydney; 8 ch all born Goldfields of Victoria & Healesville district; died aged 53 on 31 Jan 1889, Fernshaw, near Healesville, Vic of heart disease. Carol Yates: dcyates2002[at]

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 29th Aug 2013, 06:54PM
  • Hi Rosalie 

    Let me know if you have problem reading last mail it appears mixed up on my screen if you wish to contact me my email is I believe I have found your ancestor


    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 29th Aug 2013, 07:21PM
  • Thank you Bill. Yes, I have been in touch with Mary Jane's ancestor, a lady who lives in Melbourne and, like myself, is a gg grandaughter.  We have met and exchanged notes. My problem is that both Mary and Eliza, according to the Famine website, came from Castlelost. I have found that the Eliza who married my gg grandfather was born in Athlone. Of course, they could have relocated to Castlelost as both towns are in the county of Westmeath are they not?




    Friday 30th Aug 2013, 12:03AM
  • Hi Roselie

    Yes it looks very like Eliza may have been born in Athlone and Mary Jane in Castlelost just checked the towns are approx 30 miles apart in Co Westmeath.

    Would say you have the correct info on both ladies.

    We have a Facebook page on The Famine Orphans go there and request join and will approve you there is a lot of useful info there.

    This is the link

    Regards Bill

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 30th Aug 2013, 08:33AM
  • I am trying to locate information on my 2nd Great-grandfather, James Welch/Walsh, his wife, Margaret Corbett Walsh/Welch probably born <1800> of New Ross, Wexford.

    Their son Peter, was born in May 1824, & later immigrated to the states in 1848. Family records indicate New Ross. 

    I am researching birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates for James & Margaret Corbett Walsh, plus their son Peter. 

    Please notify me of possible sites to search for HELP!!


    Monday 18th Nov 2013, 12:01AM
  • Hi Rosalie,

    I've just started a blog on the orphan 'girls' it's at

    If you go to the botom of the page there's an arrow to the other couple of posts I've put up and by clicking on my face/photo it takes you a bio+

    The Tippoo Saib was quite late to arrive in Sydney. HAve you tried recently; Perry is constantly adding stuff to what I'd originally put up.

    best of luck


    Saturday 30th Aug 2014, 05:01AM

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