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Well, I'm still working on a lot of new info on my wife's side.

Let me start today with the following family from New Ross and see if it stirs up any info:


Denis Murphy born 1855 in New Ross

married Mary Molloy

son Patrick born 1882

daughter Johanna born 1876

daughter Mary born 1876

daughter Statia born 1878

daughter Kate born 1879

son Con

Son Jer

son William

daughter Joan

daughter Julia

I welcome any info I can. thank you!



Thursday 26th Dec 2013, 08:05PM

Message Board Replies

  • From Cantwells Memorials of the Dead (Wexford) (New Ross)

    only one record of Molloy (St Marys cemetery) (may or may not be related)

    William Molloy; 21/9/1798 (45)

    daughter-Mary Molloy; 5/6/1806 (19)

    daughter-Elizabeth (wife of Dr. Mulgrew); 11/8/1816 (32)

    wife-Elizabeth; (nee Hanrahan); 3/12/1832 (71)

    daughter-Margaret Molloy; 13/2/1813 (16)

    son-Peter Molloy; 6/4/1847 (55)


    Jack Mc Donald

    Friday 27th Dec 2013, 05:19PM

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