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Update on Thomas Nail/Neil bc 1850 Kilmore, county wexford. His marriage certificate states his fathers name was John Neil and he was deceased by 1876. We only need a little hit more help to extend our search.
Any information about Kilmore would be wonderful
There seems to be many Neil names on the Griffiths in Bargy Wexford, can anyone help us please.
Pam Neil

Saturday 13th Sep 2014, 03:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Pam

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Did the marriage give a mother's name at all?

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 04:53PM
  • Hi Claire,
    No the certificate only stated fathers name, deceased and occupation

    Monday 22nd Sep 2014, 08:06PM
  • Thanks for getting back to me Pam. I had a look on rootsireland but the 3 baptism records listed are too far outside the approximate year of birth for you Thomas to be relevant. I tried too to search for possible siblings of Thomas but with only John's name to go on, I could only limit the search to 35 records for Co. Wexford.

    There are advantages and diadvantages with the parish of Kilmore.

    (1) Records start early - 1752 for baptisms. However there are a lot of gaps in the series 1785-1790; 1794-1798; 1826-1827. Marriage records are also missing for most of the period between 1785-1790 and 1794-1798.

    (2) Luckily, Wexford is one of the most comprehensively recorded counties for headstones. You could contact (as a long shot), Wexford Family History Centre and ask if they have access to the Memorials of The Dead vols 5-7. St. Mary's Kilmore is included here. You may be lucky and find a grave for John.

    Wexford Famiy History Centre:

    The Memorials are also available on the website of Eneclann as a CD but it is quite costly if yo have to buy it onl to see if one entry exists (which it may not):…

    You could have a look at the 1901 Census entries for Kilmore and see what Neil entries are listed there then:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 23rd Sep 2014, 09:40AM

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