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I am seeking birth details (~1858) of my G grandmother Sarah Essie Borthistle. She migrated aged 7 with her family, arriving in Melbourne Australia Dec 1865 on the Donald McCay. Parents were Thomas Borthistle and Jane Borthistle(nee Donovan). The family was of the Church of Ireland and I know that many Borthistles are buried in the cemetery of The Cathedral Church of St Edan in Ferns. 

Kind regards



Wednesday 25th Jan 2017, 10:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Civil registration of birth commenced in 1864, soon after Sarah was born so a search of baptism records would be required. Luckily the Church of Ireland registers for the parish of Ferns go back to 1775, but as far as I am aware there's no full transcripts of these available online anywhere at the moment. Rootsireland (pay-website) has limited records for Co. Wexford at the moment, and the Anglican Record Project, run the the Representative Church Body Library which hold the historic registers, has free transcripts, but just two that cover parts of Co. Wexford - worth keeping an eye on both these wesbites for any updates.

    Non-Catholic marriages were registered from 1845, and had a quick look on the civil BMD for a possible marriage for Thomas & Jane, but nothing promising... maybe they married before 1845... could there have been older children ?


    Shane Wilson, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 25th Jan 2017, 11:49AM
  • Hello and thank you for your prompt reply. There's a marriage licence bond Thomas Borthistle and Jane Donovan 1839 diocese of Ossory on FindMyPast and I presume that is the marriage of my ancestors, although I haven't been able to find any other reference. The couple departed Ireland in 1864 with 6 children, the eldest George born around 1842 but who died at sea. So far I have not found any parish records of these children. Annie Borthistle born ~1840 apparently travelled separately to the parents and on her death certificate in Victoria her parents were listed as Thomas Borthistle and Jane Donovan. So therefore the marriage of 1839 makes sense. There is another possible child Jane/Eliza born ~1841 who also travelled to Australia.

    I thought the name of Borthistle would be fairly unique but records remain elusive. 

    Kind regards from Australia on a hot summer day.



    Thursday 26th Jan 2017, 10:28PM
  • Hi there

    There is actually some Borthistles in north wexford still  I shall try find out more for you



    Friday 27th Jan 2017, 12:29AM
  • Friday 27th Jan 2017, 12:35AM
  • Hi there

    There's a Godfrey Borthisle still living in Effernogue Ferns should get him in a phone directory but if not let me know and I will try get a number


    Kind regards



    Friday 27th Jan 2017, 12:46AM
  • Thank you Cathryn for the posts. I met Godfrey and his family many years ago when I visited Ferns and I recently contacted his daughter. Unfortunately the present family do not seem to have any more information for me. 

    Today I discovered that the two older daughters of Thomas Borthistle migrated to Australia in 1861 on the Empress of the Sea. It is intriguing to wonder why the family migrated in the 1860's. Do you know of any social upheavals or economic problems in Wexford then?

    Kind regards



    Friday 27th Jan 2017, 09:20AM

    Hi There is a map of the Wallop estate from 1719 ,1785 and 1798 .You can get a copy from the Hampshire Archives in Winchester .Effernogue is on that map.It lists some of the tennants.The undertennants are also listed.It gives some of their ages.Contact me if you want more details .Best wishes 



    Sunday 9th Jun 2019, 11:03AM
  • Margaret,

    Perhaps this would be helpful: In my family search i have a Johanna Burthisle married to Mick Glynch on 11Oct, 1840. There are three children born of this marrage: Edward 30 My,1842, Patrick 9 Sept, 1851, and Mary 1Dec 1853. All at Effernogue. This was from NLI sacramental f=records for the Catholic parish of Ferns. It is my search of Clinch/Clynch/Glynch.. that i came across this marriage. If related, she married into a Cathlic family. Kevin Clinch New Mexico, usa.




    Monday 10th Jun 2019, 01:35PM
  • Thanks to Pedro and Kevin for replies. So far, I have not found a Johanna in my ancestral searches. However, you may already know that in Find My Past, there is a Roman Catholic baptism for Joanna and Eliza Borthistle on 1 Dec 1818, Parish of Enniscorthy. Father John Borthistle and mother Mary Fortune. James Borthistle appears to be one of the sponsors.

    It is few months since I searched my Irish ancestors and you have given me renewed vigour to continue. I know that the online databases are continually changing.





    Tuesday 11th Jun 2019, 06:05AM

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