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My great great great grandparents Eugene (Owen) Connick (born about 1773, died in 1834 and buried in Ballyanne) and Emelie Anastasia O'Neill (still alive in 1834) lived in Kilbraney which I believe is in the parish of Clongeen, county Wexford; they were Roman Catholics. One of their sons, Owen Thomas, migrated to Canada before 1839 as he was sworn justice of peace in that year in Perc? (Qu?bec), Canada. He is, said to have been baptized in Sutton Parish around 1815-1818. Two other children had least Denis who died before 1834 and Catherine (1814-1825).  I have a list of male ancestors for Eugene but they were transmitted by oral tradition. Eugene would be son of Michael (?-1817), Michael would be son of Walter (?-1772), Walter would be son of Eugenius Thomas (?-1724), Eugenius Thomas would be son of Eugenius (?-1688). I would like to have any information on descendants or ascendants. Thank you so much.

Monday 15th Dec 2014, 09:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • John:

    RC records for Ballyanne civil parish are in the church of Cushinstown. Their records go back to 1752 according to a reference book I have (although it is likely there are gaps in the records).

    The Cushinstown records are not online currently. However, next summer the National Library will be putting all RC parish registers online for free searching.

    Clongeen records do not start until 1847.

    I located an 1833 Tithe Applotment record for a Simon Connick in Kilbraney (spelled Kilbreany) townland. Not sure how he is related.…

    There were also three Connick entries in the 1853 Griffiths Valuation head of household listing for Clongeen parish including the aforementioned Simon.

    There was also a Connick family in the 1901 census in Kilbraney. I did not check the 1911 census.

    Roger McDonnell…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 15th Dec 2014, 11:03PM
  • Thanks Roger, If only I could get the death record for Eugene Connick in 1834 in Ballyanne.  As for Simon, I saw that also in the Tithe Applotement and I suspect he is a son of Eugene. The slabs of Connick's in Ballyanne Cemetery, next to Eugene, indicate also a possible Walter (possibly a son of Eugene as they seem to be buried in the same lot) who died in 1884 and married to a Bridget Hayden who died in 1901 at 63 years old. but it speaks also of his mother (mother to Walter, son of Michael, son of preceding Walter) born Catherine Roche who died in 1906 and who was married to Michael Connick who died in 1910.  I suspect the grand-father Walter to be a son of Eugene and the brother to my ancestor Owen Thomas. That Walter died in 1884 and he was 72 years old which would correspond to 1812 which is an exactly right date. But who are their descendants and how could I prove that the grandfather Walter was the son of Eugene except if I can get his death record in 1884 and it is no sure thing it will mention his father. Anyhow if you want I can send you the pictures of the monument and the slab in Balleyanne cemetery if that could help you help me (if so provide me with an email address because I tried to attach but it is more than one Mb). But basically I have already followed the same steps you have and consulted the both the Tithe Applotment, the Griffiths valuation and the 1901 census. Let's hope for RC Ballyanne records with the National Library.  Best regards. John Le Garignon

    Wednesday 17th Dec 2014, 01:56AM
  • Ballyanne cemetery; Cantwells (Memorials of the Dead)


    erected by Anastacia Connick in memory of husband

    Owen; 13/6/1834 (61)

    daughter-Catherine; 1825 (11)

    son-Denis; no further info.


    Jack Mc Donald

    Tuesday 30th Dec 2014, 05:45PM
  • Monagear cemetery;


    Very Rev. Thomas Connick; Pastor of Monagear

    17/4/1889 (84)


    Jack Mc Donald

    Tuesday 30th Dec 2014, 05:56PM
  • Thanks Jack; unfortunately I had that information already as I am familiar with Cantwells. I also got photographs of the monuments and slab in Ballyanne cemetery.

    The one interesting thing is the other Connick monument next to the slab of which I speak in my answer to Roger. I am trying to tie them together.


    John Le Garignon

    Tuesday 30th Dec 2014, 07:34PM
  • Since i first posted, I got more information from the release of the Catholic records. Although I thought the Catholic baptisms could be in Cushintown or Sutton parish, I found my ancestor Thomas baptized on February 8, 1814 in Adamstown. Il also found the baptism of his sister Bridget on May 20th 1818, of his brother Denis on November 4th 1823 (he died on April 19th 1827 in Kilbraney), of his brother James baptised on September 24th 1820 and of a sister Margret baptized on March 14th 1826. I have not yet been able to link his brother Walter born 1812, his brother Simon or his brother Michael (probably the eldest as he was named after his grandfather Connick)

    Friday 11th Nov 2016, 08:17PM

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