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I am a direct descendant of the Jones's from Ballybrennan big and Little. My 5th great grand father Richard and his wife sarah are buried in the cemetary there.

I have nothing on who Sarah was or where Richard came from.

I have no marriage for his son Michael.

I do have Michael's son Michael marriage to Margaret Oughton in Ardamine.

and Michael's older son Richard to Margaret's sister Martha also Ardamine.

I belive the family leased the properties for abt 200 years. I have a copy of R'rd Snr elder son William's will but little else.

I have photos of the property and cemetary from the current owner.

I am leaving this message hoping that one day some one can help me with my family.


Saturday 5th Jan 2013, 01:23AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    Thank you for your message. Hopefully someone will see this message and be able to offer you assistance with your research.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support



    Monday 4th Mar 2013, 11:05AM
  • Cantwells Memorials of the Dead available Reference in Wexford Libraries..

    Contains information on those buried in Ballybrennan. 

    Wednesday 14th Aug 2013, 10:31AM
  • Cantwells Memorials of the Dead (Wexford)


    Ballybrennan graveyard;

    A lot of Codd listed (abstracts)

    Richard Codd; husband of Frances;

    10/11/1812 (48)


    Richard Jones-Ballybrennan; 26/12/1852 (80)

    wife-Jane; 4/9/1854 (72)

    nephew-Richard Jones-Sparrow; 30/11/1911 (770


    Jack Mc Donald

    Friday 30th Aug 2013, 10:13PM

    had Jones in Ballybrennan


    Jack Mc Donald

    Monday 2nd Sep 2013, 05:41PM
  • From "Houses of Wexford" (David Rowe-Eithne Scallan) ISBN O 946 38 46 8


    Ballybrennan House-Bree;

    Built ca 1780

    Robert Disney Jones came into possession, and the Jones family held the property till the first few years of the 20th century.


    Jack Mc Donald

    Monday 2nd Sep 2013, 05:56PM
  • Thank you for all your help so far. Yes the 2nd Richard mentioned above is a brother to my Michael. I was lucky enough for a family will being filed in England by another brother William naming a lot of his family.

    The house Ballybrennan Bree is a mistery to me. I have worked on the Disney Jones family being connected as they have used the Ballybrennan name and also being protestant as well. Also followed some of their decsendants to Bendigo Victoria Australia some as mine. But despite this have not been able to get a connection or that one more generation back.

    Also the William Jones family from Killinick has a photo  of  the Ballybrennan little house as their family home before leaving for Canada, So am sure this William has to be related to my original Richard- may be younger brother?

    Any more ideas or more possible connections welcome.


    Friday 2nd Oct 2015, 10:23PM

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