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I am married to a Rossiter and am searching for information about his family. My hubby's great great grandfather arrived in the U.S. In 1850 with siblings William, Ellen and James. They joined their parents, George Rossiter and Mary Arthur. They settled in upstate NY and were farmers. I believe they were of Ardcavan parish, although I am not sure where Mary Arthur was from. John married Ellen Keely in New York State, but I wonder if they knew each other in Ireland. If anyone can contribute to this story, I would appreciate the help.




Sunday 14th Jun 2015, 01:22AM

Message Board Replies

  • Barb:

    The RC parish corresponding to Ardcavan civil parish is Castlebridge. Records for that parish are not currently online. On July 8th, the National Library of Ireland will place all RC parish registers online. Castlebride is in the Diocese of Ferns and records start in 1832. I would look for your ancestors on the Castlebride register when it becomes available online. See below.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlebridge Baptisms Oct. 30, 1832 - Dec. 31, 1880 P.4247 Marriages Dec. 1, 1832 - Oct. 27, 1880 Screen Baptism July 17, 1871 - Dec. 24, 1880 (Castlebridge) Marriages Oct. 6, 1871 - Oct. 20, 1880 _____________________________________________________________________

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 14th Jun 2015, 02:05AM
  • Thank you so much, Roger!



    Tuesday 23rd Jun 2015, 01:59PM

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