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I am planning a short trip to Ireland in a few weeks and might be able to stop in Athlone.  My gg grandfather was John Boland born Mar of 1851 in Athlone. He came to New Jersey   His parents were John Boland and Bridget Kenny.  That John's parents I believe were Patrick Boland and Catherine Connolly.  I would love to meet cousins or at the least find graves.  Any suggestions?

Jane Mackesy




Monday 5th Oct 2015, 12:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Jane

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! has a baptism record for a John in the parish for 3rd April 1849. He also had a sister Mary baptised on 27th March 1847 and another sibling, name not recorded, baptised on 11th Sept 1852. I couldn't see a marriage record for John and Bridget but there is one for Patrick 'Bolan' and Catherine who were married on 12th July 1818 in Athlone. They had at least one son, John baptised on 11th July 1819. You could have a look on that database to see if you can find out more. It is a subscription site but you can subscribe by the month if you wish and you can see the originals for free here:

    One way of tracing who was on the property up to the mid-1900s is through the cancelled books. You can read more about them here but unfortunately they are not yet available online:

    It would seem that the family lived and stayed for generations in Athlone Co. Westmeath so you certainly can say that "your people" are from the area.

    Let me know what you think - I would love to know all about your trip

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  


    Monday 5th Oct 2015, 04:56PM
  • Jane

    Hi!  I am only 5 years late but just picked up this message yesterday. I, with some cousins, have started digging into our family tree and came across this record by chance.  There are many more Boland siblings of John Boland.  The records Clare Doyle unearthed for Patric & Catherine Connolly are grandparents of John.

    I would be delighted to follow up on your search.  My connection here is Bridget Boland - sister of John.

    Kind regards

       vivian Harrington


    Monday 7th Dec 2020, 08:38AM

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