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Looking for information on Thomas Langan. His widow immigrated to America in 1848 with her many children. I have some info on Mary and the children. I'll post later.


Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 11:42AM

Message Board Replies

  • L. Langan:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Here is a link to the parish register for the RC parish of Mullingar.

    Records go back to the 1700s but there are some gaps. Let us know what information you have,  

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 30th Sep 2015, 03:00PM
  • Thank you for the link!  I have started looking and found some Langan's, but need to study more.  I have this info on Thomas (born1801) and Mary Quinn (Born 1808) Langan had 10 children, James born in 1828, Eliza 1830, Mary Anne 1833, Bernard 1834 (my husband's great-grandfather0, Julia 1837, Michael 1840, Bridget 1842,Thomas W 1844., Joseph 1846, Ellen 1856.  There may have been an Alexander 1835 and a Catherine in 1838. Mary's brother, Patrick Quinn came to America also.  He appears to have been born in 1803. Thanks, again!







    Thursday 1st Oct 2015, 01:59AM
  • L.Langan - Mary Quinn was my gg grandmother.  I have researched her as Mary Quinn/Quinne/Quin/Martin/Langan.Here is the information I have on her:

    b Sep 1805, Westmeath, Ireland (parents James Quinn and Mary Cooney, baptized 08 Sep 1805

    1st Marriage: 03 Feb 1822, Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland, to Charles Martin. They had three children, James b 1825, Elizabeth b 1827, and Mary Ann b 1830.  Charles Martin must have died sometime between 1830 and 1832.

    2nd Marriage: abt 1832-33 to Thomas Langan (b abt 1800, d 04 Jan 1845 in Irishtown, Westmeath, Ireland).  They had nine children: Bernard b abt 1832-33, Ellen b 1834, Julia b 1836, Catharine b 1839, Michael and Edward twins b 1839, Bridget b 1841, Thomas b 1844, and Joseph b 1846. There is an Elizabeth and an Alexander but I cannot find any information on them. 

    Mary and these 12 children arrived in New Orleans, LA, on 11 May 1847, on the ship H.H.Boody (Ireland, Liverpool, New Orleans), with 4 boxes, bed and bedding.  

    They settled for a while in Buchanan County, MO and then moved to Doniplan County, KS.  I have her Last Will and Testament.  Mary d 29 Jul 1858, buried Mt. Olivet Cemetery, St. Joseph, MO, along with her brother Patrick and daughter Ellen. 

    The only information I have on Thomas Langan is from the Tithe Apploment Books in 1833.  

    Look forward to hearing from you. Kathy




    Kathleen Tyson

    Friday 10th Jun 2016, 09:04PM
  • This is fantastic!  Thank you so much. Give me some time to study this a bit and see what I can give you.  My husband is from Atchison, KS which is very near St. Joseph, MO. I have a lot of information on Ancestry, but you have given me more!  If you're on Ancestry, you can see it, I think.  I'll get back to you!  Thanks, again!


    Saturday 11th Jun 2016, 05:21AM
  • I've got such similar data, but different dates. I have Mary Quinn being born 1808 and died 10 Oct. 1863.  I have the first three children you mentioned as Martin, but I have them as Langan. Maybe he adopted them?  I had no twins. I have Michael, but no Edward.  I have nothing on Elizabeth or Alexander.  Not even their names.  Now, I got most of my information by copying what others had done  I could tell there were some errors, but was going to investigate later..

    My husband, Erv's, grandfather was Bernard Leo Langan.  Bernard's father was also Bernard.  I have 1834-1897.So, Thomas Langan is also my husband's gg grandfather. Could you possibly send me a copy of Mary's will?  Erv's family had a farm in Northern Atchison, County which is just south of Doniphan Cty.  

    Can you see my info on  If not, maybe I can create a pdf to send you.


    Saturday 11th Jun 2016, 09:55PM
  • I, too, am from Atchison, KS.  Small world.  And, I think our Langan information is from the same source, Janice Clark DeGisi.

    My tree is on Ancestry, Handke Clark Family Tree and on that tree I have Mary Langan's Last Will.  You can take it off of there or I will email it to you.

    Most of the new dates are baptismal dates.  I am plowing through all the Parish Records that Roger McDonnell indicated in an earlier post.  Thank you, Mr. McDonnell, I have just about found everyone except Bernard and Thomas.  Sometimes the baptismal records vary by a year or two from original documents.

    You can also email me at  


    Kathleen Tyson

    Sunday 12th Jun 2016, 07:40PM
  • Thanks, so much, Kathleen. I haven't had a chance to do much more lately, but would love to look at your tree.  Is it public so I can look at it?  Mine is Langan Family Tree.


    Friday 24th Jun 2016, 04:34AM
  • And my email address is


    Friday 24th Jun 2016, 05:04AM
  • Hello! I know I'm very late to the party, but I found this thread while searching for additional details about my ancestor, James Martin, who was the eldest child of Charles Martin and Mary Quinn. There were a few details here that I did not have before, including the names of Mary's parents, and the details of the family's immigration, so thank you!

    I would be very interested in having a look at Mary's will! I have tracked down the graves of most of their children on, so I know what became of most of them on this end, but finding information on their origins is harder. James brought his family up the Oregon Trail in 1865, and settled in what is now Walla Walla, Washington. My mother has a large charcoal portrait of James, which hung in our hallway after she inherited it from her grandmother, who was James's granddaughter. I have James's wife Bridget's wedding ring and prayer book.

    Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you (assuming you still check this thread). I'd love to exchange info!

    Thursday 6th Sep 2018, 07:29AM
  • I got an email about your message.  I'll try to find if I ever got Mary's will and send to you.  I don't get to do near as much research on Ancestry as I'd like. My husband is decended from Mary's marriage to Thomas Langan.


    Friday 7th Sep 2018, 01:34AM
  • Attached Files
    WillPage1.jpg (353.8 KB)
    WillPage2.jpg (144.55 KB)

    Found it!


    Friday 7th Sep 2018, 01:42AM
  • Thank you so much for digging up Mary's will! I really appreciate it!

    I have been doing some digging, myself, into the Mullingar parish registers, and the early U.S. censuses for this family. I believe I can shed some light on a few points of confusion.

    I was unable to locate baptismal records for Mary Quinn, Mary's brother Patrick, Mary's first husband Charles (my g-g-g-g-grandfather), or Mary and Thomas's marriage record, but I believe I have located Thomas Langan's baptismal record (bottom of right-hand page):

    6 [Aug 1799] B[aptised] Tho[ma]s Langan - son to Patt[rick Langan] & Mary Murphy - Sp[onsors] Simon Kilduff & Anne Egan - [Rev.] P[atrick] Ganly

    I have also located Thomas's death record (5th from the bottom, right-hand page):

    [30 Jan 1845] Thomas Langan, Irishtown

    Here, too, is Mary Quinn and Charles Martin's marriage record (left-hand page, 5th from bottom):

    3 [Feb 1822] Mar[ried] Charles Martin & Mary Quin in pres[ence] of Hugh Croghan & Caroline Martin

    I managed to locate several, but not all, of the children's baptismal records:

    4 [June 1825] James Martin P. Charles [Martin] & Mary Quinn Sp[onsors] Hu[gh?] Croghan & Cath[erine] Colgan
    21 [Dec 1827] Eliza Martin P.P. Charles [Martin] & Mary Quin Sp[onsors] James [????] & Margaret [????]
    29 [Apr 1830] Mary-Anne Martin PP Charles [Martin &] Mary Quin Sp[onsors] Pat[rick] [?]anacan & Mary-A[nne] Molloy

    [no record found for Bernard Langan]
    15 [Nov 1834] Ellen Langan PP Thomas [Langan] & Mary Quinne Sp[onsors] James Daly & Eliza Carberr[?]
    [no record found for Julia Langan]
    7 [Jan 1838] Cath[erine] Langan P Tom [Langan] & Mary Quinn S[ponsors] J[oh]n Craughan[?] & Anne Car[?]le
    11 [May 1839] B[aptise]d Mich[ae]l & Edward Langan (Twins) PP Tho[ma]s and Mary Quin [sponsors] Mathew Lize and Judith Carroll (for the first) [sponsors] Patt[rick] Roaynan[?] and Margaret Roaynan[?] (for the second)

    26 [Jan 1841] Bridg[e]t, Tom Langan & Mary Quinne [sponsors] James Moran & Cath[erine] Murtagh
    [no record found for Thomas W. Langan]
    [no record found for Joseph Langan]

    There was also a record for a possible illegitimate child of Thomas (Thomas Langan not being a terribly common name in that parish):

    2 [Jan 1841] B[aptise]d Bastard Stephen Langan PP Thomas [Langan] & Bitty Boyhan

    Many of the registers are unfortunately in very poor condition.

    As for the census records, here is the family recorded on the 1850 census:

    Mary Langon / 42 / F / W / Real estate: $4000 / b. Ireland
    James ---- / 22 / M / W / Farmer / b. Ireland
    Eliza ---- / 20 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Mary ---- / 17 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Barton ---- / 16 / M / W / b. Ireland
    Alexander ---- / 15 / M / W / b. Ireland
    Julia ---- / 13 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Catharine ---- / 12 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Michael ---- / 10 / M / W / b. Ireland
    Thomas ---- / 8 / M / W / b. Ireland
    Bridget ---- / 6 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Joseph ---- / 4 / F / W / b. Ireland
    Patrick Quin / 47 / M / W / b. Ireland

    Note that the three Martin children are recorded here as "Langon", though in all other records I have found, they are listed as Martin. Bernard is recorded as "Barton", and Ellen has, for some reason, been recorded as a boy named Alexander. Edward had already died by this time, and Thomas and Bridget are listed in the wrong age order.

    As for Elizabeth, although I have yet to find a record listing her as such, it may simply be a variation on Eliza.

    I hope this helps clear some things up.

    I would love, if possible, to see the family's immigration record!

    Thursday 22nd Nov 2018, 10:48AM

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