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My Great Grandfather Sylvester Bracken was born in Westmeath Co. Ireland. Sylvester died in 1929 in New Brunswick, Canada. He was married to Joanna Mayer. I new very little about him and my Mother did not tell me anything about his history (she has passed away). He was the last survivor of the fever ship, Looshtauk, which landed at Middle Island on the Miramachi River in 1847. His mother, Ann Monaghan, was born in 1817 (maybe in Monaghan Co.) and died in 1895. His father was James Bracken from Westmeath. He died on the boat and was buried at sea(birth date unknown). Ann landed in Chatham along with her two sons. Michael, according to a news article I found, was 16 years of age when he arrived in Canada, which would mean he was born around 1831 and  Sylvester, was 13 years of age which would give him a birth date around 1834.

I have found two baptism records on the Irish Roots web site,  The mother is listed as Ann Monaghan but the father is listed as Michael Bracken, not James. The Persish for both children is Mullingar. The baptism date for the child Michael was 1839 and for Sylvester was 1842. I'm not sure how common the name Sylvester was in Ireland but if it wasn't then I would think that this may be my Great Grandfather.

I have not found anyone in Canada who knows the Irish history of Sylvester and his family in Ireland. I'm hoping to come for a visit in the Fall and would like help from anybody who may have some information about this family and where I can get more information.

Thank you.

Wednesday 20th Mar 2013, 01:33AM

Message Board Replies



    Thank you very much for your message.

    Perhaps you could try looking at the parish records in Mullingar to see if you can find any more information. Most are still held locally so you could try writing to the local parish priest for possible assistance.

    In terms of Catholic records, one websites that you may find useful is the Irish times, where they give an overview of what records are available in specific parishes. For Mullingar parish follow this link:

    You can see from this also where copies are available.

    Most surviving Church of Ireland records are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. Here are their websites: and

    Lists of these surviving registers can also be found at the National Library of Ireland.

    Some other websites that may be useful are:

    The National Library of Ireland

    The Library & Archives of Canada -

    Family Search:

    Genealogy Links:

    It may also be an idea to contact the Family History Centre in Westmeath for assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:

    I hope some of this is helpful. Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 14th May 2013, 09:13AM
  • Hi there 

    Sylvester was my great great great grandfather. 

    Not sure if you are still getting replies on this site. 


    Tuesday 3rd Apr 2018, 09:08PM
  • Hi, I know it's almost 10 yrs and I hope you are still checking in here! Looks like we are related. Info I have is James and Anne   with sons Michael and Sylvester left Ireland in 1847. James had a brother Patrick and I am a descendent of his. Patrick had 2 sons, James Bracken. Born approx 1853 (named after his uncle perhaps?) and Francis b. Approx 1847.  All stemmed from Joseph Bracken born spprox 1780. I would go for Meath rather than Westmeath as birthplace. Church parishes are deceptive and don't always follow county boundaries. Hope to connect!!  Alberta


    Sunday 13th Nov 2022, 01:05AM

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