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I am researching my mother's family who were originally from Killasser Co Mayo and were moved to Westmeath by the government as far as I know.  I have obtained the Death Certificate of Edward O'Malley (her brother) who died in Mullingar Mental Hospital on 27th November 1954 aged 32.  Can anyone help me in obtaining his medical notes from the hospital as I am keen to learn his definiative diagnosis.  Is St Loman's the only psychiatric hospital in Mullingar?


Tuesday 7th Jul 2015, 01:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Gerri

    You will probably have to talk to the hospital as they will need to ascertain your relationship to the deceased, Edward and will probably not be storing records on their own premises but in off-site storage, probably in Dublin somewhere.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Sep 2015, 11:20AM

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