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Greetings IXO Kin,

I have now established that my Greatgrandmother, Mary Gallagher, came to Australia - son after her brother , Patrick Gallagher , in the 1870's - from these towns. They were sponsored by their uncle, Michael Gallagher, who had travelled with his wife to end up in Canberra, Australia in 1842. That family had lost three sons & then lost another on the ship's journey to our land.

My wife & I & my sister are now planning a brief visit to the area in September, 2016 - we would like to find;

1)  Graveyards or cemeteries in the Mullingar, Irishtown or Killucan areas... to trace Micael or Mary or families.

2) If households listed in the 1901/1910 census correspond to known houses/homes as they are now

3) Specific Local History repositories/places for research in the local area

Many Thanks,

Jock O'Keefe


Thursday 28th Apr 2016, 09:56AM

Message Board Replies

  • Jock,

    Regarding locating houses in the 1901 & 1911 censuses. Firstly, the numbers shown in the censuses were the enumerator’s private numbering system and do not indicate what number a house may have today (if any). So you can ignore those numbers. Save in large cities, the houses had no numbers (still true in some locations) and a persons townland was all that was required to get a letter delivered. The postman and anyone else who mattered knew where each person lived.

    The revaluation records list the occupants of most properties. They are kept in the Valuation Office in Dublin. They are not on-line yet (save for Northern Ireland). If you look those up in Dublin and get the plot numbers for the properties you are interested in, you can then go to Griffiths Valuation and locate them on their maps. That site has a facility to overlay a modern map onto the contemporaneous map, and that helps locate them today.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 28th Apr 2016, 10:39AM
  • Hi Jock

    Re cemeteries:

    I checked Gallagher Westmeath death/burial records on and there are 266 of them from 1711 to 1939.

    Neither Killucan or Irishtown is mentioned in the list of parishes where the deaths were registered but 74 of the records were from Mullingar R C parish which adjoins Killucan so perhaps some of your Gallaghers are there.

    Here are the Michaels from Mullingar:

    Church BurialGallagherMichael1767NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGallaherMichael1833NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGalahoerMichael1835NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGallagherMichael1877NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGallagherMichael1879NrCo. Westmeath


    Church BurialGallacherMary1762NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGalaugherMary1784NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGalagherMary1786NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGallaherMary1833NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialCallaghanMary1864NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialCallaghanMary1864NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialCallaghanMary1869NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialGallagherMary1871NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialCallaghanMary1874NrCo. Westmeath
    Church BurialCallaghanMary1877NrCo. Westmeath

    If any of thses look like they might be yours I can post the full record but I had a look at a couple and they are very poorly done - very little detail and no mention of where buried I'm afraid!


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 29th Apr 2016, 04:16AM
  • Attached Files

    Hi Elwyn & Col,

    Thank you so much for your kind replies...

    We'll be visiting Mullinagar in September (10-13th?) of this year - hopefully to find graveyards & markers & stories. 

    To futher the idea of what I am seeking, I'd lke to contribute this story - kindly taken from a history of Canberra, Australia. The Michael Gallagher mentioned is my Great Great Uncle & the Mary Gallager is my Great Grandmother.

    "Born in Westmeath, Ireland, Michael Gallagher was of the good old trustworthy type of employee. He started in life as groom and gardener to Dr. Lavington. He married, at 25, Elizabeth Moran, whose people were in the employ of Mr. Cunningham, of Lanyon [Station, Canberra area, Australia] . There were five sons of the marriage, but they, unfortunately, lost four of them by death before they left for Australia in 1841, and the remaining boy, John, aged twelve, died two days out on the voyage. There was a very severe storm, and the vessel put back into Falmouth, so the little chap was buried ashore.

    The Gallaghers arrived in Sydney [Australia] in February, 1842, and engaged at once with Mr. James Wright, who met the ship to bring up the Davis family and others, who had arrived at the same time, fourteen in all.  In another chapter I have described the journey of 200 miles that was cheerfully undertaken. The Gallaghers afterwards rented a farm at Tuggeranong [Canberra area, Australia] and sent home for a niece [Mary Gallagher – married Michael O’Keeffe - GGrandmother of J. OKeefe] of  and nephew [Patrick Gallagher], who did their duty by the old couple and stayed with them to the end. The farm was left to the nephew.

    Mrs. Gallagher [Elizabeth, nee Moran] was a kind-hearted motherly woman, and on one occasion, when an accident happened at the house and we were all distractedly waiting for a doctor, whom I and my brother had been riding hard to catch, Mrs. Gallagher heard of the trouble, and though getting on in years set out and walked the six miles to our house to offer aid and service, when she came to the Murrumbidgee River - having to tuck her clothes up under her arms and walk through the river. "

    The property that Michael originally worked at may have been Levington House/Park. It was listed in another history as Captain Larvey/Dr Garvey of Lamington Park. (as possibly as result of bad transcription).

    I will be taking up a limited sign-up to Roots Ireland very soon - I find the service & results excellent but consider it to be expensive for respective month & year subscription costs.

    Obviously - I am also keen to make contact with & further the connection with any Gallaghers & Morans from the area.

    The tied history of Levington Park(?) and Lanyon Station, still existing in Canberra - may very well be of great interest to followers of living history.

    Many kind regards, Jock O'Keefe (jock.ock1 @ - remove spaces)

    The attached photo - if it works is of my Great Uncle - Patrick Gallagher & his family - based at the "Erindale Station" - after which the suburb of Erindale, Canberra, Australia - was named


    Tuesday 28th Jun 2016, 03:08AM

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