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My husbands Great Grandfagther William Fagan emigrated to USA first, then to Canada with his wife Catherine Finlay between 1835-1844.  They eventually settled permanently in Haldiman Co ,Ontario Canada as farmers. Very little is known of their origins.

 In my ressearch I found a RC Parish of Mullingar baptism record for a william Fagan DOB 11/05/1811  parents were William Fagan and Mary WardI

we would like ANY information

thank you



Friday 12th Apr 2013, 06:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    Thank you for your message.



    Do you have any other information on William that would help you confirm whether it is the same William in Mullingar? If you knew the names of any siblings he may have had you could cross check this with the parents names listed on the birth record. Perhaps you could try looking for his marriage record in the same parish in the hope that this was where he married?


    There are a couple of places online where you could try looking for records relating to William, however again without further information it will be difficult to know whether any results are relevant:

  has a huge database of genealogical records including some church records for Ireland.

  have a large collection of Irish Church records, however you have to pay to use this site. have begun a project to upload Irish church records to their site free of charge. However so far only Counties Dublin, Kerry, Carlow and parts of Cork have been covered.

    Have you tried looking into his emigration? Generally more information was given at the port of arrival rather than that of departure do it may be an idea to look here. For information on immigration in the US check the NAtioanl Archives at:


    Some other websites that may be useful are:


    The National Archives of Ireland

    The National Library of Ireland

    The National Archives UK ? genealogy search:

    The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland

    Genealogy Links:

    Irish Times:


    It may also be an idea to contact the Heritage Centre in Westmeath for assistance, however a fee may apply. Here is their email:



    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Monday 27th May 2013, 09:03AM
  • Hi I live in Canada, my ancestors were from Mullingar and have the same last name,Fagan. They had lived in Athlone on Court Devenish Lane, my gr gr grandfather's name was Bartholomew Fagan as was his father's, his son John is my gr grandfather he and his wife moved here to Canada, but as far as I know all remaining family, of which i'm still trying to search for remained in Ireland. I wonder if we have a connection? I've often wondered why they moved here, as my gr grandmother was from Hampshire England, where John worked and had met her. Their children were born in England.Perhaps it was because of some relatives that had moved to Canada previously which is often the case. The archives in Ottawa may be of some help to you, if I can be of any assistance, I will try to do my best from this side of the pond lol. Sincerely Cathy

    Wednesday 27th Nov 2013, 04:10PM

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