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I'm researching our Headifen family Tree, I'm living in New Zealand, we have found the link in Scotland census 1841 to Edward Headifen and his wife Rebekah McMiillian both from Ireland and were married in Glasgow, Scotland, One of the children James came to New Zealand, Edward passed away before the 1851 census. We are trying to find the family in Ireland of births, parents etc, if you can help with any more info that would be great :)


Saturday 20th Dec 2014, 04:53AM

Message Board Replies

  • I had a look at the 1901 Irish census and Griffiths Valuation (1848 ? 1864) and there isn?t a single Headifen listed in either. Likewise there?s none in the civil indexes (ie statutory births, deaths and marriages, which start in 1845). So whatever the family name was in Ireland, I suspect it wasn't spelled Headifen. However I am at a loss to suggest what it might have been. It?s not a name I have come across before. Sorry I can?t come up with any more positive suggestions.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Saturday 20th Dec 2014, 05:03PM
  • Hi Rodger

    I'm with Elwyn on this one - no record on rootsireland or irishgenealogy either.

    Only clue I found was that there are lots of Headifens on a site called myheritage which charges and they MAY be American records.

    All the trees on ancestry seem to stop at the NZ births. NZ BDM doesn't have a marriage record of James H & Eliza Bird which may have his birthplace on it!

    One ancestry record had HADDIFIN; there are 2 Mary Haddifins in Griffiths Valuation (free) both in Bangor Down in 1863.

    ancestry has a Rosan HADEFINE who went to US fro Scotland but was born in Ireland in 1852 but I couldn't find her birth either.

    In spite of the Griffiths record I couldn't find a birth record for a Mary Haddefin!


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 20th Dec 2014, 09:02PM

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