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I'll be visiting Ireland this summer and wondering how far back the parish records go. I'm descended from a John Daniel Malone who was born in Killucan around 1620. He emigrated to the U.S. (still just colonies then!) sometime around 1679, possibly with a son, Daniel. We will be traveling through Westmeath and if there are records that go back that far would take the time to see what I can find. Any help or ifnormation anyone had would be much appreciate. Thanks!

Sunday 5th Jan 2014, 10:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • You can see what RC records exist for each parish in Westmeath using this link:

    You will see that in general few parishes have any records for the 1700s never mind the 1600s, and so I think it unlikely that you will be able to trace John Daniel Malone from that source. Indeed it's pretty unlikely that you would be able to trace him from any source, unless he were a major landowner or famous in some other way. There are very few records in Ireland that go back to the 1600s.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 6th Jan 2014, 07:44AM

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