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My ggrandmother was Mary Ann O'Driscoll (nee Brennan) b. 1878 from Kilbride, Rochfortbridge who married John O'Driscoll of Castlehaven, Co. Cork.It's an absolute mystery to me how she ended up in Co.Cork! Her mother was Catherine (Kate) Hope of Kilbride. I have traced most of the Hopes in this family as far as I know and would love to contact anyone who is related to the Hopes. I have traced all of John and Kate Brennan's children but 3 died prematurely and I'm not sure exactly which 3. I don't have any definite information regarding John Brennan's parents and siblings. Any info appreciated.

Saturday 24th May 2014, 11:43AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kevin:

    Below is the 1874 civil marriage index record for John and Catherine. You can get a copy from the General Register Office in Dublin or mail to Roscommon town. (Not sure where you live in Ireland). The marriage record will show the names of the fathers of the bride and groom and where the bride and groom were living in 1874. A copy costs around 4 euros.

    Roger McDonnell


    First Name Kate
    Last Name Hope
    Year 1874
    Registered Quarter/Year 1874
    Registration District Mullingar
    Volume 3
    Page 315
    Potential Spouse Names John Brennan

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 24th May 2014, 01:34PM
  • Thanks,Roger. It's on my 'to do'list aka long finger.

    Saturday 24th May 2014, 01:37PM
  • Thanks,Roger. It's on my 'to do'list aka long finger.

    Saturday 24th May 2014, 01:37PM
  • Thank you Roger and best of luck kvstr01

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 28th May 2014, 09:10AM
  • I am descended from the same Hope Family!

      1. James Hope, (b. abt 1781)
      2. John Hope / Mary Sheerin
      3. Catherine “Kate" Hope / John Brennan
      4. Mary Anne Brennan / John O’Driscoll

      1. James Hope, (b. abt 1781)
      2. Henry Hope / Anne Cully
      3. Richard Hope / Mary Burke
      4. Ella Gertrude Hope / Frances Coleman
      5. Mae B. Coleman / John E. Leonard
      6. David E. Leonard (My Grandfather)

    I am not 100% that their father was "James Hope, b. 1781", but I have not found concrete evidence either way.

    - Kerry



    Friday 15th Sep 2017, 09:13PM

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