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I am trying to find the location of a gravestone erected by my GG Grandfather James Duffy 1828-1903.

I have tried to attach a photograph but sadly i just keep getting an error message?.

The gravestone is apparently in a cemetery in Clonfad Tyrrellspass Westmeath' many of my relatives are interred there' I would like to know if there is more than one Cemetery in Clonfad

Any Help would be appreciated  



Sunday 11th May 2014, 11:39AM

Message Board Replies

  • Picture attached 

    Sunday 11th May 2014, 11:46AM
  • Dear Jim

    I have forwarded your query to a volunteer. I hope they will be in touch soon.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 11:01AM
  • Thank you Clare 

    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 11:11AM
  • Hi Jim I got your request from Clare sorry for the delay I'm about 30 miles from tyrellespass but will make it my business to go visit the grave yard there and see if i can find out any more info for you, your photo did get true.  is there something in particular you need me to find out,  please let me know soon as 

    kind regards 


    kbrady, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 10th Jun 2014, 10:34PM
  • Hi Kev

    Thanks for the reply' I just want to know which Cemetery the Gravestone is in.

    I think there is more than one Cemetery in Tyrellespass but i may be wrong if you could tell me which cemetery the stone is in that would be very helpfull.

    Best Regards


    Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 07:23AM
  • Thanks Kev. Happy researching Jim!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 11th Jun 2014, 09:44AM
  • Hi Jim,


    I've just joined Ireland XO and noticed your post about Clonfad. I grew up in Clonfad, accross the road from the old cemetery. Did you manage to find out more on your gravestone search?





    Monday 9th Nov 2015, 04:27PM
  • Attached Files

    Hi John' thanks for taking the time to write' no i didnt get any further information John' i was hoping to get some pictures of the head stones in the graveyard' or any further information about it...i have tried to upload a picture of the Duffy Headstone again' not sure if it loaded ?

    Best Regards




    Tuesday 10th Nov 2015, 02:35PM
  • Hi Jim,

    I heard that a local amateur historian is writing a book on Clonfad and locality so he may have information to share. His name is Joe Malone, Meedin, Tyrrellspass. I don't have a number for him but I'm sure he could be a good source.  Not sure where you are from but the cemetery is 2 miles north of Tyrrellspass, just off the N52. Easily accessed. It was our playground when we were growing up. It was a significant Christian site in the 10th-12th centuary. I'm not sure if there is a connection but my grandfather, Joe O'Brien from Clonfad, who died in 1964 was married to a Mary Duffy in the 20's but she died in 1928 and he remarried. Not sure if she is connected to your Duffy family? I will check with my uncle who has more details on her. Let me know if I can help further.

    John O'Brien


    Wednesday 11th Nov 2015, 05:11PM
  • Hi John' there could be a connection with Mary Duffy' but i know very little about the Duffy's in Clonfad'' the story i have heard is My Great Great Grandfather' James Duffy married twice and moved to Clara county Offaly (Kings County at the Time) I have traced his birth to Clonfad Tyrrellspass in 1866' he passed away in 1945. The Duffy's stayed in Clara and there are lots of relatives still living in the area.  I live in the UK John and hope to visit Clonfad possibly next year when i go to Clara to see relatives.

    Thanks for the Information regarding Joe Malone' thats very interesting' ill try and find out what i can.

    Many thanks for your message John

    Best Regards


    Thursday 12th Nov 2015, 03:22PM
  • Hi.  This picture was taken by my third cousin who is a Duffy descendant.    The grave is next to the highway between Tyrrelspass and Mullingar, in a church ruin of a 10th century monastery complex.    it is surrounded by private property unfortunately and is very hard to access due to overgrowth. I believe that this is the only legible stone at the site, as it was forward leaning and sheltered by trees.

    You can find pictures and locations in this article:…

    James O'brien

    Thursday 21st Mar 2019, 03:15AM
  • Hope its OK to put this on here on behalf on my daughter and her family search project which her self and a cousin from the states are chasing after?

    Hi looking for some help for a cousin in the USA regarding our Behan links from Tyrrellspass, Westmeath.

    To date we have traced some from September 1884 the marriage of Gt Gt grandparents Richard Behan to a Mary Farrell, through to the births of their 8 kids, John, Martin, Anna Maria, Bernard, Richard, Luke Mary, Margaret.

    John we believe married a girl from Galway don't know much more about them?

    Martin came to Dublin in 1911 and married a Galway girl Cecilia Clarke, he was a widower in 1919 and remarried a widow Mary Byrne in Dublin too. Don't know much more about him or how or where his first wife died?

    Anna Maria we know died very young

    Bernard is our shared great grandfather so we know loads of him like that he came to Dublin married a Dublin girl O’Neill in 1922, settled down here in Dublin and had 4 kids .

    Richard all we know of him is he married in Sligo in 1928, other than that we know no more?

    Luke never married and died in 1938

    Mary and Margaret, we know nothing of them other than their births?

    We recently found that the father Richard ( our Gt Gt Grandfather) who married in 1884, his mother was Anne ?. We'd love to know of the marriage date of her and her husband John Behan and where both of them were from and her surname?

    Regarding Mary Farrell all we know is what is on the marriage cert?

    All help whatsoever would be very much appreciated

    Joe Behan

    Sunday 2nd Oct 2022, 09:50PM
  • Joe Behan. Honestly it's NOT OK that you're spamming threads like this with random factoids bout your personal search.  Dublin, Sligo, Galway?  Seriously, get an atlas or use google maps.   They're nowhere near the place of this thread.   Please do your homework.

    James O'brien

    Monday 17th Oct 2022, 09:19AM
  • Hello James I'm new to Irelandxo I may have posted here by accident when I signed up and joined ...... I'm far from needing an atlas, I well know my geography of Ireland. The area's such as Dublin, Sligo & Galway would only appear as tags because they are mentioned in my post. The reason I may have posted here on you trend would be by accident after joining, I can only assume that I was following what I thought was a Tyrrellspass link after I done a search on here???? If you go back and read my post in detail that should make some sense within your dimwit brain?

    You should be pleased you got a bit of attention after nearly 7 years since you received notice from anyone to your trend. Good luck to ya!

    Take a deep breath and count to ten, and go for a long walk!


    Joe Behan

    Tuesday 18th Oct 2022, 10:23AM

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