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My 3x-great-grandfather is John Hassen (various spellings developed from Gaelic " O hOsain to Hassen, Hassan, Hafsen, Hassad, & finally Hassett).  John was baptized in Killua Parish/Clonmellon Parish on 9 Dec 1805.  The family appears to have lived in Brownstown, Delvin, Westmeath, about 4 generations.  My John & Catherine Battersby Hassett and children were Irish Famine Emigrants and arrived in the United States on 26 Mar 1849.  They settled in Upstate NY.  Their children were Eleanor "Ellen," Mary, John Jr, & baby Catherine.  Another child, baptized Honor Hassad in the parish on 9 Oct 1837, apparently did not emigrate with the family nor have we found death information on her.  The famiy was not aware of her.  

Other surnames associated with this Hassen family are: McCormick/Cormick, Maguire/McGuire, Battersby, Dermott/McDermott, Tolan, Sheridan.

Other surnames associated with the Battersby family are:  Farmer, Smyth, Lynch, Reilly, Moyne, Murray.

Battersby - Farmer - Smyth (?) is my direct maternal line ancestry, mtDNA haplogroup K1c2.



Monday 3rd Oct 2016, 04:10AM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I take it you know that John and Catherine were married on 26/06/1835 in Clonmellon Parish, Westmeath? Unfortunately the marriage record does not state either father's name. The names of the witnesses to the marriage were recorded as James Murray and Thomas Batersby.  

    There is only one likely match for a baptism for Catherine. She was baptised on 04/09/1803 in Clonmellon to a father James and a mother Honor Farnan. The sponsors or godparents were Thomas McManus and Mary Neven. The family lived at that time at Killalon, Clonmellon. I couldn't locate any other children of James and Honor though there is a marriage record for a James Battersby and Honor Farmer on 31/07/1801 in Clonmellon. James lived in Newtown and Honor in Kilallon. Again, parents' names are not recorded. Witnesses are recorded as Nichols Farmer and Peter Fitzsimons. 

    The Tithes list a few Battersby families and  some in Newtown in 1824

    Let me know if this is information you already have. 

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 




    Tuesday 4th Oct 2016, 08:17AM
  • Thank you Clare.  I do have a few of those details.  I'm showing a sibling for Honor Farmer of Nicholas (shown as Nicholai) Farmer.  I've got info on Nicholas as born about 1778.

    23 Feb 1803, Married Nicholas Farmer and Margt. Moyne (?), Dienoyoma (?), Witnesses Peter Fitzsimmons and Sr.(?) Moyne (?), Killalon.

    Death of Wife Margaret Moyne(–1825)  28 Feb 1825 • Newtown, Westmeath, Ireland

    Nicholas Farmer, Male, Marriage, May 1839, Clonmellon, Meath and Westmeath, Ireland, DIOCESE: Meath, Rose Reilly, Nicholas Farmer

    Birth of Son Nicholas Farmer(1845–)  March 1845 • Meath, Ireland

    Death of Nicholas Farmer [Sr] 8 Apr 1845 • Killallon, Westmeath, Ireland

    For parents of Nicholas Farmer and Honor Farmer I found James Farmer and Elizabeth Smyth - and I can't tell you where or why.  I forget where I found that information.  If I find it or recall I'll post it here.  

    Also know that regarding the marriage of James Battersby & Honor Farmer:  31 July 1801, Married James Battersby and Honor Farmer, Witnesses Nicholas Farmer and Peter Fitzsimmons, Newtown, Killalon. Dispensed in the 3rd degree by Doctor Plunkett (?)

    Thank you for your time.  Cheers from cloudy, rainy Upstate New York.  


    Saturday 8th Oct 2016, 01:42PM
  • A good place to keep an eye on is the Early Birth and Marriage Index as it is updated regularly. If your ancestors don't appear there now they may at some point in the future. 


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 12th Oct 2016, 09:23AM
  • Thank you for that information Clare.  


    Thursday 3rd Nov 2016, 02:43PM
  • fyi--Judith and Hugh Hassin are listed as sponsors for my 2xGreat Grandfather's brother, Michael Brown, on 10 Sept 1819 in Clonmellon parish. Ann Hassad is listed as sponsor for Stephen Brown on 27 Dec 1830, also in Clonmellon parish.

    Not sure if they match up with your folks but it's close!

    T Brown

    Monday 30th Dec 2019, 10:37PM
  • Hi T Brown,

    I do "tentatively" have Hugh Hassin & Judith in my tree.  It actually appears there was a fairly large bunch in this family in the Clonmellon parish.  First let me explain the spelling issues.  You may already know this but back some time, perhaps the 1800s, the Irish were ordered to change from speaking Irish Gaelic to speaking English.  The names were also Anglicized - the reason that sometimes one sees messages from Muslims upset that they thing their Hassan has Irish relatives.  Fact of the matter is that the names were being spelled how folks pronounced them.  I believe the original name spelling was O hOsain .... I also ran across another spelling which may be more accurate.  It's pronounced "Oh hoe shin," or something like that.  We actually have Hassain of Irish ancestry in my area, but they claim no DNA matches with me.  The name was spelled Hassan, Hassen, Hafsen (where f=ss) and Hassad that I have seen.  It was slowly changed to Hassett amongst all of them.  I've also seen it as Hasset on their 1849 immigration records.  I believe John Hassett's father was also John Hassett.  And if one takes the time to go through many of the Clonmellon parish records, there are several John Hassetts all born about the same time to a John Hassett, and the records state they were illegitimate births.  I believe my John Hassett's parents were John Hassett (Hassen, etc) b.c.1780 m. Eleanor "Nellie" McCormick b.c. 1780.  Keep in mind my John & Catharine's first child was also named Eleanor "Ellen."  I believe John Hassett's siblings were  John [a] 1794, John [b], Chris 1789, Peter 1796, Phelim (possibly "Felix") 1797-1870 m. Catherine or Brigid "Biddy" McGuire d.1842, Hubert "Hugh" 1799 m. Catherine McGuire, John [c] 1801-1805, Ann 1803 m. Patrick Leery, my John [d] 1805-1881 m. Catharine Battersby 1803-1871, & Thomas 1808.  I am not certain all these details are accurate.  The parish registers don't give enough information for 100% accurate identification & matching.

    I also believe the senior John Hassen/Hassett had brothers Bartholamew m. Mary and Peter d. 1829 m. Ann McDermott.  I have more information on my tree.  Phelim Hassen/Hassett is the only Hassett who appears to have had a substantial income.  There also was a Phelim Hassett in immigration records who was stated as female and then not seen in US records again.  It didn't appear to be the same person, but it could be that he came to the US then returned to Ireland.  One other detail is that in 1850, the year after my ancestors' arrival in the US, a 12 year old Hugh Hassett arrived in the US and was in the 1850 census with my family, but he is later found elsewhere in Genesee County, NY.  A baptism record 15 Sep 1838 shows him the son of Hugh Hassett [Sr] & Catharine McGuire/Maguire of Brownstown, Clonmellon Parish.  From what I have found, a majority of Hassetts are from County Clare & County Limerick.  Hassetts from County Westmeath are few, but I find enough of a population of Hassetts there should be more record of them.  County Westmeath has a genealogy project but has not answered me.  Regards & Happy New Year.  



    Tuesday 31st Dec 2019, 11:07PM

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