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I'm looking for information on the family of Daniel Tierney and Mary Mangan. Daniel and Mary were married on the 10th July 1907 and lived in the town of Delvin. They had at least five children: Patrick John (born 1909), Michael (born 1911), Mary Christina (born 1911), Joseph (born 1912) and John (born 1915). Here is the family on the 1911 census: . Daniel died in 1958. I would love if anybody has any other information on the lives or descendants of this family. Thanks in advance.

Saturday 16th Apr 2016, 08:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Alan

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    Daniel's marriage record does not include his parents' names but you could write to the GRO in Co. Roscommon and take you back a generation. It might also allow you to check to see which Tierney on the Griffith's Valuation is yours and trace the family forward as shown here:…

    Go to this link   print out the birth form and fill it out to the best of your ability. Tick the box that you want a copy only which costs around 4 euros. You have to post the request to the GRO (address provided when you print the form) but you can ask GRO to e-mail the copy back. You can provide a credit card number and usually there are no issues receiving a copy.

    All the best

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  


    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 03:25PM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thanks for your detailed reply. I think Daniel Tierney is my great great grand uncle. If I am right, Daniel Tierney was baptised Daniel Joseph Tierney on 12th May 1878 in the Catholic parish of Donaghpatrick in Co. Galway and his parents were Patrick Tierney and Catherine Newell. Daniel's age and county of birth on the census match up exactly with this baptism. Do you know of any techniques to trace Daniel and Mary's children to the present day? Thanks very much for your reply, Clare.



    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 09:17PM
  • Hi Alan

    You could use or to look for any potential baptisms - especially for any daughters as they would have married in their home parish. You could usually have a look at the Griffith's Valuation and Cancelled Books as a way of making a connection with later generations but there doesn't seem to be a Tierney listed in Donaghpatrck, Co. Galway but there is one in Killursa but it wold be heard to say if they are the same family: 

    Griffith's Valuation - Killursa

    Cancelled Books

    Neither are there any Tierneys listed on the Online Phone Book. The latest available online record is the 1911 Census: also has an index of births and marriages that you can check.

    If you would like I can head out to Donaghpatrick to see if there are any Tierney graves, I don't see the graveyard listed on the County Council Website.


    Genealogy Support 


    Wednesday 4th May 2016, 02:51PM

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