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I am looking for decendants of John O'Halloran and Catherine O'Brien who married abt. 1826 possibly in Limerick. John was a corn and butter dealer. They had to the best of my knowledge three girls Mary, Bridget and Ellen and a son Paul. all who immigrated to Australia in 1852 and 1854. I feel they came originally from Prior's Land in Limerick City and later after the death of John in 1837 they appear to have moved to the country possibly to Shanaclogh in the Civil Parish of Crecora.

I would love to connect with anyone who has an interest in the above persons



Thursday 13th Dec 2012, 08:55PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Pam,  


    Thanks for your message and for sharing this information. Hopefully someone who has a connection with this people will get in contact. Have you also posted this message to the Crecora Parish Messageboard?


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 6th Feb 2013, 12:44PM
  • Hi Pam

    I am descended from John O'Halloran and Catherine O'Brien. Bridget O'Halloran is my  g/g grandmother. I am keen to connect with you and share family history.



    Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 09:43AM
  • Hi Kim,

    Good to hear from another O'Halloran connection, they have been my nightmare over the last 12 years

    even after travelling to Ireland and not finding anything new. Kim where did you find that they were from Croom?

    I know they all finished up in Victoria probably looking for gold initially. I see on Ancestry you have collected some

    information from Jill Kerr I have also been in touch with Jill over the years. I have found my gt. gt. gt. grand

    mother Ellen's baptism, she was baptised in St. Michaels church in Limerick city (Prior's Land) on 29th. July 1829

    and Paul was baptised on 28th. June 1832 at St. Johns, Limerick city, I  have not been successful in findind Mary

    or Bridgets baptisms. I do not know what happened with Mary, cannot find a marriage, death. My thoughts are did

    she go back to Ireland to be with her mother? I believe they moved to the country after the death of their father, also

    Paul's occupation was listed as a farmer, he arrived in Victoria on the British Trident in July 1855.


    Take care,




    Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 08:18PM
  • Hi Kim,

    Good to hear from another O'Halloran connection, they have been my nightmare over the last 12 years

    even after travelling to Ireland and not finding anything new. Kim where did you find that they were from Croom?

    I know they all finished up in Victoria probably looking for gold initially. I see on Ancestry you have collected some

    information from Jill Kerr I have also been in touch with Jill over the years. I have found my gt. gt. gt. grand

    mother Ellen's baptism, she was baptised in St. Michaels church in Limerick city (Prior's Land) on 29th. July 1829

    and Paul was baptised on 28th. June 1832 at St. Johns, Limerick city, I  have not been successful in findind Mary

    or Bridgets baptisms. I do not know what happened with Mary, cannot find a marriage, death. My thoughts are did

    she go back to Ireland to be with her mother? I believe they moved to the country after the death of their father, also

    Paul's occupation was listed as a farmer, he arrived in Victoria on the British Trident in July 1855.


    Take care,




    Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 08:19PM
  • Hi Pam

    Hmmm, I have had a quick look this morning and can't find anything close to hand so I am guessing I picked it up somewhere on I will keep looking though as I have a number of sources of information now and haven't checked them all yet due to lack of time as I am off to work.

    I must point out that my interest in family history is very new and initially I grabbed lots of information off the net without verifying it. I learned my lesson very quickly though and have some work ahead of me in sorting through the fact from the fiction. *sigh* beginners mistake I guess.

    Jill has been an invaluable source of information to me and very generous with sharing. Have you ever been in touch with Judy? she is also decended from Bridget O'Halloran.

    Happy to talk more and swap email addresses/phone numbers. I am located near Newcastle.



    Thursday 14th Feb 2013, 08:57PM

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