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I'm trying to find the family details of my greatx3 grandmother Elizabeth Scott, born in Dungannon around 1793. She migrated to Australia in 1852 on the Fortune, with one of her daughters, Catherine & settled in Victoria where her youngest son Charles ran a boot & saddlery business. Elizabeth married Thomas Trinder, a soldier in the 2nd div of the Rifle Brigade & their first child was born in 1818 at Birr in Offaly, so I assume the marriage would have been around 1817. Elizabeth's death certificate gives her father's name as William Scott and his occupation as "painter".,but doesn't give her mother's name. Elizabeth died in Geelong, Australia in 1877. Can anyone help me pin down a date & details for her birth in Dungannon and marriage to Thomas? Thanks.

Sunday 11th May 2014, 04:42AM

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  • You don?t say what denomination Thomas or Elizabeth were. (Tradition was generally to marry in the bride?s church, and thereafter she?d attend her husband's, though this was not always the case).

    Dungannon is in the parish of Drumglass. The Church of Ireland (i.e. Anglican) records start in 1665; 1st Presbyterian?s in 1790; 2nd Presbyterian in 1830 & RC in 1821.

    As far as I can see only the RC records are on-line (on the rootsireland site). For the other denominations, copies have been made and are kept in PRONI (the public record office) in Belfast, where they can be accessed free. The PRONI records are not on-line and a personal visit is required to view them.

    I suspect your family were either COI or Presbyterian and so you are probably going to have to get a researcher to go to PRONI for you.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 11th May 2014, 08:33AM

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