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I am trying to find info about my late husband's grandmother - Edith Moffett b.1899.  She is shown as living at 10 Sandholes with her family in the 1911 census.  Her mother Margaret (nee Gilchrist) died at Stuarts Hall, Stewartstown in 1930 and Edith is listed as being present at her death but under the name of Edith Farr.  I have been given the name of Robert Farr as her ?husband but have been unable to find any record of a marriage or death for Edith.    Can anyone help with this family mystery?

Saturday 24th Aug 2013, 10:49AM

Message Board Replies

  • Births, deaths & marriages in Northern Ireland from 1.1.1922 onwards are not on-line anywhere, so that?s probably why you can?t find the marriage or death. In order to trace these 2 events you need to contact GRONI in Belfast who have the records.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 26th Aug 2013, 02:04PM
  • Thanks.  I have looked at the GRONI site but they need dates, which I don't have any idea about.  I know the marriage would have been between 1920 - 1930.  I have absolutely no idea of a death year.  Would they undertake a search or how does one go about finding out the information.?

    Monday 26th Aug 2013, 03:11PM
  • Thanks.  I have looked at the GRONI site but they need dates, which I don't have any idea about.  I know the marriage would have been between 1920 - 1930.  I have absolutely no idea of a death year.  Would they undertake a search or how does one go about finding out the information.?

    Monday 26th Aug 2013, 03:11PM
  • Provided the names are not too obscure, GRONI can find the events without exact dates. Edith Moffett & Edith Farr will not be common. I suggest you ring them up and give them the information you have and see if they can get them for you. People do that all the time. You can pay over the phone using a credit/debit card. There may be a search fee as well as a certificate fee, depending on how much work is involved, but do not be put off by the lack of a specific date(s).

    Another option, if you are in Ireland, is to pay ?14 for a days searching and go into GRONI and look for the events yourself. (You should book if you plan to do that.)

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Monday 26th Aug 2013, 06:00PM
  • Thanks again.  I will try ringing them this week to see if they can help.

    Monday 26th Aug 2013, 06:18PM
  • Thanks for your advice.  I contacted GRONI and have today received a letter telling me that they have found the marriage for the above.  I don't know why we were never able to find it - have been searching for a long time.  I have ordered the original certificate and can now try and find out what happened to them - years of death etc    Did they go on to have any children.   Thanks for suggesting the first step..

    Monday 2nd Sep 2013, 12:55PM

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