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I believe that my great grandfather, Michael F. Mullen, was born in or near Moy in 1837 and baptized in Clonfeacle Parish on 21 May the same year.  He also had a brother John and his father's name is thought to have been George. He later lived in Newry, County Down, before emigrating to New York City in about 1860.  In 1867 in New York, he married Mary Lehane (born in 1846 in Castletownbere, Cork).  Together they had six children, including my grandfather Francis Xavier Mullen (born 1885 in New York).  I am researching my family's history and would greatly appreciate any information about the Mullen and Lehane families.  My mother's two other grandparents were Daniel J. Kelly from Derry or possibly Terryglass (born about 1861 and came to New York about 1880) and Mary Kane (born about 1862) whose hometown is unknown.  Any information about the Kelly or Kane familes would be equally appreicated.  Thank you for you kind help.  Walter Phillips. 




Wednesday 23rd Aug 2017, 05:44PM

Message Board Replies

  • I can confirm that Michael’s baptism is in the Clonfeacle records for 21st May 1837. Parents were George Mullen & Betty Lavery. Sponsors were Hugh Donnelly & Betty Grimes. Only sibling I could see was Elisabeth Mullan 2.2.1844, sponsors Theresa (?) Mullan & Rose Devlin (?). Clonfeacle baptism and marriages start in 1814. George Mullan & Eliza Lavry married 15.2.1829 in Clonfeacle. The RC parish records are on-line free on the National Library site. You might want to go through them to see if you can spot any other children’s baptisms:

    No townlands given in those baptism records so can’t add any information about where they were living. Mullen is a very common name in that area. Makes them difficult to trace.

    I looked for a death for George Mullen post 1864 (when death records start) in Dungannon registration area. Didn’t see one. Nearest for Betty was Elizabeth Mullen who died 11.6.1871 aged 51, registered Dungannon.  Possibly too young (however ages were often out by 10 years on death certs, so don’t rely on it too heavily). You would need to view the certificate to help decide if it’s your family. You can view the original certificate on-line on the GRONI website, using the “search registrations” option:

    You will need to open an account and buy some credits. It costs £2.50 (sterling) to a view a certificate.


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Aug 2017, 07:36AM
  • Walter: is a free site which has church records for the Diocese of Kerry which includes the Cork parish of Castletownbere. When you search the records show Kerry not Cork because the search is based on the Diocese not the county. 

    As luck would have it, there are two 1846 Mary Lehane baptismal records in Castletownbere parish. They both lived in the townland of Cahergarriff in Killaconenagh civil parish. The first was baptized on February 1st 1846 to parents William Lehane and Mary Neil. The second was baptized on March 27th to parents Timothy Lehane and Margaret McHughes. As an aside there was also a Mary Lehane baptized in 1841.

    I don't know if you have any info like sibling names which would help determine which of the two records is your Mary.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Aug 2017, 02:16PM
  • Walter:

    I forgot to add that we have an XO Chronicles site where you can add the stories of your ancestors.

    Also, there are too many Daniels Kellys an Mary Kane's for us to find any records without more info e.g. parents names.


    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 24th Aug 2017, 02:21PM

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