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I have been searching for a while in Scotland and I came  over to ireland with Clocher on the death certificate but no more. Your local historian can find no catholic Michael McDonald in Clogher so I need help. I welcome responses. I do not know the parish.


Monday 21st Dec 2015, 12:29PM

Message Board Replies

  • Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Is 1854 Michael's date of birth or death?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 02:33PM
  • Try for the townland.  All free pages

    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 08:33PM
  • TonyHello Clare

    Michael McDonald was born in 1826 married in 1854 and  Margaret Dougherty his wife was born in 1837. All from Scottish censuses with ages and children. I think that Grace has all the data last december. I have had a break in my search.




    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 07:06PM
  • Hi again

    I can't see any Michael McDonald baptised in any of the counties of Ulster between 1821 and 1831. He may have been born in a parish that predates parish records.

    Did the couple marry in Scotland? ( has only 1 marriage record for a Michael McDonald in St. Patrick's Parish, Co. Waterford on 31 Aug 1854 but married to a Catherine Doherty).

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 6th Jan 2016, 11:14AM
  • Michael and Margaret were married in Scotland and Scotlandspeople is where I got the following information and some questions:

    Is it possible that Michael was known as another name in Ireland? I found out via Karel Kiely in Kildare that my Grandmother was Elizabeth in Ireland and Lillian in Scotland. Glasgow Ulster Foundation phone number took me to a Glasgow club bar. They knew of no link.

    I found a Patrick [possibly Michael's father] married in Dungannon, Tyrone in 1827 with wife Alice Woods and a witness Peter Dogherty. I looked for him because the first son of Michael was Patrick - a normal way of naming first child. It is possible that Michael was born soon after their marriage. 

    The person we are looking for is Michael McDonald with wife Margaret Dougherty in Scottish records.

    We have records for Fauldhouse and Whitburn [both between Glasgow and Edinburgh]. 

    Death record for wife Margaret was in Glasgow cemetery. 

    In 1881 he worked in the coal mines, in 187l he was an Iron Miner, in 1861 he was an Ironstone miner age 35 [unreliable because of different ages in the next two censuses, 30 and 50], thus born about 1826-31. His wife Margaret Dougherty who died in childbirth of 12th child Daniel was also from Ireland [no county, in fact it was the 1861 census that we got Clocker for Michael which was his first in Scotland] 



    Friday 8th Jan 2016, 02:32PM
  • Unfortunately a lot of this could be a guess. It might be the case that Patrick and Alice are parents of Michael, but this would be difficult to say for sure. There are almost 50 marriage records for Ulster for a McDonald groom between 1820-1826. You may have to continue an information gathering exercise as you have been doing with the Patrick and Alice record for example, on the basis that at some point further records/information becomes available that allows you to verify if they are in fact Michael's parents. 

    It could be the case that Michael was known as something else, but without evidence to the contrary we are guessing again.


    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 8th Jan 2016, 03:11PM
  • thank you clare

    unfortunately we have no longer clues to look for, except possible coal/iron mine records in ireland and scotland


    Saturday 9th Jan 2016, 12:34PM
  • Hello Clare  having said that i have no further  options i find that reviewing my researches I fund that Findmypast shows Clocher in Monaghan. When did it change?


    Monday 11th Jan 2016, 06:55PM
  • Hi Tony

    There is a placename called Clogher in the civil parish of Ballybay:…

    Clogher is also a Diocese name and takes in some of Co. Tyrone:

    Hope this helps


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 12th Jan 2016, 09:52AM
  • Hello Tony 

    I was wondering if you had any more luck with your searches on Michael and Margaret McDonald. 

    They are my GGG Grand Parents. 

    I became stuck similarly to you at this point, however I will be back in Scotland & Northern Ireland next March/April for a holiday. I was thinking about looking into the mining records & war archives in Scotland my Great Grandfather was John McDonald who was a miner (however his son John -my Grandfather was a school teacher and also navy man in the war). 


    Emma (Australia) 






    Sunday 1st Dec 2019, 04:26AM
  • If Michael died in Scotland, you should get his parents names and occupations from his death certificate.

    If he came from the Clogher in Tyrone and was RC, then that parishes baptism records only start in 1856 so you are not going to find any record of his birth. Marriages start there in 1825. You might just scrape in if he was the first born child. The RC records are on-line free on the nli site.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 1st Dec 2019, 04:24PM

    Thank you so much Elwyn! 





    Sunday 19th Jan 2020, 09:48AM
  • Hello all! Yes, I’m a little late to the party. I too am related to Michael & Margaret McDonald, originally from Clogher, Co. Tyrone. This is down my maternal line. I was born and raised in Scotland too, as was their son Patrick who is my direct descendant. Patrick was my granny’s grandfather. Ironically, my sister now lives minutes from where the McDonalds settled when they arrived in Fauldhouse, with is now classed as West Lothian. I had no idea poor Margaret had so many children and died in childbirth. Ironically, Margaret’s granddaughter also died young whilst pregnant, leaving 2 young children, Margaret & Janet motherless in Glasgow. My DNA is on ancestry. Would love to hear from anyone interested! My email is All the best from Bonnie Scotland. SEÁN.






    Friday 12th Mar 2021, 03:27PM

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