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Hi there

 I have hit a HUGE genealogical brick wall ! Please help!

I am desperateky looking for any detail on my elusive old ancestor -  

Francis Eduard or Edwart O' Brien. He was born circa 1779 - 1861, apparenlty from Caledon North Ireland? 

He also apparently changed his surname from O' Brien to Prins, ( in South Africa) - because he did nit want to be foud there!

The story goes that he ran away from his well to do and influencial father's castles, money, aritocracy etc.  for the first time and ended up in South Africa.

His wealthy  father ( I have no clue who that may be and am very intersted to find these ancestors!) )  then sent a fleet of his ships, to fetch him. 

He was brought back to Ireland,  but he ran away for the second time and went back to South Africa. 

He there married a Catharina Magdalena Fouche ( 1778  - 1861) and setteled in South Africa. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can you help with any detail or point me in the right direction?

I have spend so much money on this old man's details  and I just cannot trace him in Ireland. 


Wilma Basson (  born Greyling)




Sunday 14th Sep 2014, 12:15PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Wilma

    There are 2 Francis O'Brien baptism records 1779 + - 5 years on but 1 is Dublin and the other Limerick

    If you meant Edward as an alternative first name there are 7 Edward O'brien records for the same years

    but only 2 are NI 1775 & 1783 both Antrim

    There is a charge to view the full record on rootsireland


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 15th Sep 2014, 03:17AM

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