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Hello Readers,

I have had a few tries with this website to post this message. Hopefully, this one will work. It is good to see a new site starting up. New people, new minds and ideas .

I wish to post this message . Perhaps someone out there will have some clues here.

 I am an Australian living in Melbourne who is a descendant of Thomas and Honora Ryan (nee Fox) who arrived in South Australia in 1840 on the Birman, seemingly as free passage immigrants with a number of children.

I will summarise my research;

1. From shipping details etc in the State Library of South Australia in Adelaide, Thomas and Honora arrived in 1840, on the Birman. Place of origin is Drombane.

2. A Rev VL Trenor gave references for them, as he did for some other Ryans on the Birman.

3. I have been advised that Rev Trenor was a COI minister who owned land in this area, and also Moyaliffe and Glebe.As they were farmers and labourers, it seems possible they worked on his land.

4. Rev Trenor was also on a board of some kind who approved people for free passage to South Australia at the time.

5. On board was also a John Ryan and wife, who I have found was Catherine(Quinnane?). There were also children, one of them Julia born around 1833, and who married a Eugene Sullivan in 1856 in Adelaide. John Ryan is likely to be a brother or cousin of Thomas Ryan , as above.(I have connected with descendants).

6. Thomas Ryan had a son, also Thomas who I have found in parish records at the National Library in Dublin.

7. Baptism was for Thomas Ryan of Thomas Ryan and Hanora Ryan on 19 Nov 1839, which fits the age on the death certificate here in Melbourne.(This Thmoas, my great grandfather married Margaret Sufferan in 1865 in Melbourne, she was from Dublin)

8. The details come from film for Upperchurch 1829-1876.

9. The details of Parish are shown as  : "Dromdoha" , and then on the opposite side of the page of the printout , and lower down is ; "Knockmarau/w' or similar. It is hard to read the writing.

10. It is not "Knockacarhanduff" which is in Moyaliffe, and which appears on the next page of the printout.

11. Re Honora nee Fox, there may be a link to a Patt Fox and Peggy Fogarty who arrived at the same time, but in New South Wales as Bounty Immigrants. They are shown on these docs as from Moyaliffe.

I am wondering whether any of this rings a bell out there? Anyone missing family who emigrated here long ago? These first immigrants to South Australia were considered Pioneers of the colony. The Ryans farmed around Saddleworth and Manoora in country South Australia .

I also would be appreciative if someone could enlighten me as to the Dromdoha and other parish here.

These ancestors were obviously Catholic. I do have problems re the parishes. Obviously, they lived in smaller villages and baptisms would take place at long intervals.

Any assistance is appreciated,

Thank for your time and consideration.


Esther Kahn  Melbourne Australia ( a Jewish descendant!)





Friday 1st Mar 2013, 04:50AM

Message Board Replies

  •  Hi  Esther  If  you  bring  up  Griffiths  valuation,   Tipperary  north  riding, Parish Moyaliff,  Barony  Kilnamanagh  upper.  You  will  see  the  two  townlands,  Drumdiha  and  Knockacarhanduff.   These  ancestors  would  have  been  Catholic.  There  were  Civil  parishes  .Moyaliff  was  the  name  of  the  civil  parish  here.  The  catholic  name  for  the  same  parish  was,  Drumbane  and  Upperchurch.   You  will  be  able  to  see  who  lived  in  each  of  the  townlands  .They  were  mostly  Ryans.  Which  was  and  still  is  the  most  popular  name  in  Tipperary.    I   hope  this  goes  some  way  towards  answering  your  question.  The  best  of  luck  with  your  research.  Let  me  know  how  you  get  on.               Kindest  regards.     Christina

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Saturday 6th Apr 2013, 04:07PM
  • Hi Esther  As a Fox from Donohill Tipperary I come across a small number of Moyaliffe Fox civil records ( 9 miles away), when researching my genealogy. Patt and Catherine ( died here) are two I can remember . I will  try to dig out same. Fox name has a number of derivations (De Bhosc from North France/ Flemish/ Dutch De Vos , Sionnach - Irish name for animal fox from the 10th century ~ good stories of marauding clans etc). Most Foxes around here are of the former sept. My e mail is   Seamus.

    Saturday 6th Apr 2013, 09:28PM
  • Esther  in Tithe appolments 1837 Widow Fox had 38 perches rented in Coolbaun Mealliffe  while Patt Fox had rented a house in drumbane. Catherine born in 1803 had 38 perches rented in in 1852 Coolbaun, Drumbane  She died arch 6 1853. Moyalliffe is civil and Drumbane is RC parish. Seamus

    Monday 8th Apr 2013, 09:10PM
  • Hi

    Colonel Torrens sought applicants for his ship Mary Dugdale in 1840 via emigration agent John Besnard (Bernard).  His son Robert Torrens jnr had prommised positions to Rev Trenor but through a misunderstanding the ship was overbooked and were placed on the Birman which was Captain Bagot's ship - he was agent for Sir Montague Chaoman.  who was working with Colonel Torrens on this emigration project.  We are planning to publish some information on the Birman passengers and would appreaciate information on the passengers and Rev Trenor and any background.  I will post other names as I identify them.




    Sunday 24th Apr 2016, 07:43AM
  • We also have a Richard Martin  39 labourer, wife Harriet 35, Winifred 19 and 7 children

    John McInerney (McNerney) 28, shepherd, wife 25 and 2 sons


    Sunday 24th Apr 2016, 07:57AM
  • Hi Esther, great to see your message here. The replies are really helpful. I'm going to try and send a message to chrisandrof about his Birman publication. We certainly have some research they might be interested in and vice versa. All the best, Corinne



    Tuesday 24th Jan 2017, 08:48AM
  • Esther Kahn refers above (1st March 2013) to "film for Upperchurch 1829-1876"...can someone please advise where I can locate this film.  Like Esther, I also reside in Melbourne, Australia. Kind regards, Shirley Turner (researching Purcells, Ryans & Dwyers in early 19th century Upperchurch & Drombane...Edmund Purcell & his wife Mary Ryan and their two children Edmund and Mary arrived in Sydney on the vessel Glenswilly 11 March 1841)





    Thursday 26th Jan 2017, 11:46AM
  • Dear Glenswilly,

    Here is where I found Thomas and his siblings baptisms in the Catholic Parish Registers at the NLI (National Library of Ireland) in the Parish of Upperchuch and Drombane:

    I did this by going through the register page by page and transcribing all the Ryans. Now, however, they are indexed by

    ancestry and Myheritage and they have an agreement with the nli that they have to offer these records for free. (They are also free on the above nli link but aren't indexed there.)

    For the MyHeritage index go to

    click on

    Ireland Catholic Parish Registers

    Parish is Upperchurch and Drombane

    County is Tipperary

    It's worth your while using the ancestry search as well as there are differences and mistakes in the transciptions.

    However, I actually recommend just going to the original nli site and checking out the whole parish record. I found many more than exist in the indexes and many transcription mistakes!

    Hope this helps.

    All the best




    Friday 27th Jan 2017, 07:25AM
  • Many thanks for your information Corinne! 




    Sunday 29th Jan 2017, 11:07AM
  • Hi Everyone

    My husband and childrens family are Ryans - I'm doing the family tree.

    What I Know for certain so far 

    Daniel Ryan married Margaret Sullivan in Adelaide in 1852 and are my husbands great great grandparents


    So what I'm after is information giving me some clue to age DOB  DOD/when / where/ from where  Daniel Ryan and Margaret Sullivan came from/ arrived from and their parents .

    What I know is

    1. They were married at St Patrick's Adelaide on Nov  1  1852 by John Fallon witnessed by Stephen Crowe and Margaret Hambers( dont know their ages or parents)

    2. The first of their children I can find is my husbands great grandfather - Thomas Joseph born 17 May 1857 in Steelton/ Saddleworth- baptised 2 June 1857

    By John Pallhuber sponsored by Thomas Ryan and Mary Many

    Are there any children before Thomas?????

    3. Other children born to Daniel Ryan and Margaret Sullivan  that I can find records for

    Hanorah Elizabeth- 6 Sept 1859

    Daniel - 21 Dec 1863(a sponsor was Eugene Sullivan- maybe relative of Margaret)

    James - 5 March 1867(sponsor Julia Sullivan- who I think may be the wife of Eugene Sullivan and was possibly a Ryan before marriage)

    Margaret- 30 Nov 1868

    William- 26June 1871


    I can't find exactly when or where Daniel and Margaret died.

    I think possibly they came out as children with their parents- I'm thinking Daniel might have been one of the children arriving with one of the Ryan families in 1840 on the Birman- but can't find any record linking them to any parents. I'm thinking a clue maybe Eugene Sullivan and Julia Ryan being the childrens sponsors.


    Does this fit in anyone elses tree.


    There was a family marriage break up  and vitually no information past my husband Peter's grandfathers name Allan Ryan - so it's taken me quite a while to get this far.


    Debby Ryan

    Debby Ryan

    Sunday 25th Jun 2017, 01:08AM

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