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What is the name of the catholic church that my Great, Great Grandmother Catherine Burke was baptized at in the parish of Upperchurch, Tipperary on the date of 9/AUG/1857? Also, is the church still there? Thank you!

Thursday 2nd May 2013, 06:39PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your message. I have forwarded it on to one of our volunteers in the area who hopefully may be able to assist you.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy Support


    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 09:44AM
  • Hi


    The present Sacred Heart Church was opened in 1926, the previous one was opened in 1800 which would have been the church your great great grand-mother was baptised in.  I will locate the name of it for you and let you know but it no longer exists.




    Nuala Ryan

    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 11:36AM

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