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My ancestors James Meagher/Maher ("of Drombane") and Margaret Bourke ("of Knockshearoon") were married in 1819; their marriage record is recorded in the RC records of Borrisoleigh.  They had one son, Thomas, baptized in Borrisoleigh parish in 1819, and several other children (including Michael, Cornelius, John, Ellen, Margaret and Bridget) baptized in and after 1829 in Upperchurch parish.

Most (if not all) of the children are found in the United States by 1860.  It appears the children first went to Canada (Montreal?) toward the end of the famine years (say between 1848 and 1851), then to New York, back to Canada.  Many of them ended up in Melrose, Minnesota, by 1860 or soon thereafter.

I'm interested in contacting others who might be researching this or other Meagher/Maher families of Drombane.


Wednesday 2nd Dec 2015, 11:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Dave

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    Feel free to search the message board for others who are looking into their Meagher/Maher families - you never know where there will be some common ground!

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 7th Dec 2015, 02:32PM
  • I'm afraid that I'm unaware of Drombane but the very small item that caught my eye was just a name, I am tracing a family called Cardiff (or something like). My ancestors left Ireland in 1839. They were Peter Cardiff and his wife Hannah (Maher?). Hannah was born late 1790 and her parents were Con Maher (maybe Cornelius) and Betty Molloy. The Cornelius you listed was born much later but perhaps you have information about Con who may have been  an earlier member of that Family. He was from Dublin.


    Sunday 27th Dec 2015, 02:19AM

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