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I am searching for Thomas Tobin (wife's name unknown) the father of Michael, William, Patrick, John, and Johannah all b. c.1820's.    Michael was sent to Tasmania Australia as a convict where he married Mary Ann Montgomery (nee Allen, from Co.Cork, also a convict) and they had 3 children, the eldest's name is unknown, Harry and Mary Ann.    Around 1860 the family emigrated to New Zealand where they lived in the Otago/Southland area.   I would appreciate any assistance in finding more about this family.

Wednesday 4th Jun 2014, 01:24AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear PatsyT64

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have had a look on and there are 2 baptism records for a William born to a father Thomas Tobin in Co. Tipperary in 1815 and 1825. If you have a look for the other children mentioned through a process of elimination you should be able to find Thomas? wife's name.

    Let me know what you think

    Best of luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  

    Monday 9th Jun 2014, 03:06PM
  • Thank you so much for your help and advice, Clare.   I apologise for not replying sooner, but have been helping out with a new grandchild and sister.       I will look today and see what I can find out..

    Will be in touch.

    Sincerely Patsy Tobin

    Thursday 3rd Jul 2014, 10:38PM
  • Hi Patsy

    Have you had a look at the above site or (which is a free site)? There are as I mentioned above 2 baptism records for a child, William, with a father named Thomas. Obviously, both of these cannot be your Thomas (either one or none is). So, if you check out for the other siblings' names (Michael, Patrick, John, and Johannah) and find them, all born to a father Thomas, it is a good bet that the woman named will be your Thomas' 1st wife, if that makes sense.

    If you have already done this and have come up empty-handed, then you are in a different position.

    As you don't know the name of the parish you have a lot of Tipperary to search. Again the name of the parish will dictate what church records are available. Other ways around this:

    (1) Did William, Michael, Patrick, John, and Johannah marry - could check rootsireland or family search for a potential marriage record. You would have to guess at a time span though. Girls usually married earlier so very early 20s for them

    (2) From there, you could locate a headstone - unlikely but you never know. Burial/death records are a bit hit and miss in terms of availability. Often times those records were not kept. There are 798 Tobin death records of rootsireland but we don't know if all of the family died/emigrated/moved away. You could have a look at Historic Graves to see what work they have done and how many Tipp graveyards are covered:

    Unfortunately I think that an information gathering exercise is what is best. You will have to keep a record of what you find in the hope that at some stage in the future other records will be available that can corroborate your info.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 20th Aug 2014, 03:41PM

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