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Looking for my gggggrandmother's roots in Ireland - Margaret was a servant of all works and was arrested for theft in Tipperary, and transported. - her birth year has been registered as 1798, 1800, 1808 - she must have been only just pregnant when arrested but the "father" has never been named (suspicious?)- she was Transported for life to Australia in 1827 on board The Elizabeth and gave birth to a daughter who died, probably from her inability to feed, at four weeks.  Unlike most of the other women convicts on board the ship, Margaret was never disorderly (being delicate)  and never got into trouble with the law again.  She married John McFarlan (fellow convict now free) in 1832 and lived in Sydney - she was to have 6 more children - Bridget, Margaret, Patrick, John, Thomas and Mary. Margaret burned to death after her petticoats caught fire when taking a kettle of clothes off the fire.  My search ends in a brick wall in Tipperary - could anyone help me, recognise the name or family? Be grateful for your help - thanks


Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 08:00AM

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