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I have been very fortunate to discover that my Bridget Catherine Ryan b 1834 daughter of Michael Ryan and Margaret Tynan originally came from Holycross. Her marriage recorded Thurles, Tipperary.

Bridget is my GG grandmother and she emigrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia where she met and married Lawrence O'Rourke (also from Tipperary - Clonmel) in 1857.  They emigrated from Australia, following the goldrush, to Otago, New Zealand, where Lawrence firstly mined in Naseby.  They ended their lives in Dunedin, Otago, NZ, and had a number of children.  My G Grandmother was Mary O'Rourke was born about 1862 and married William Henry Higgins.

Also found in Australia was her brother Thomas MIchael Ryan, born in 1831 and died in Victoria in 1876. I do not have any further info on him just yet.

Found in baptism records are another 6 children of Michael Ryan and Margaret Tynan's, confirming their births in Holycross.  Firstly Eleanor in 1836, Patrick 1838, Margaret 1840, Judith 1842, Catherine 1844 and Edmund 1847.

I don't know if there were other children as baptism records are only recorded online from 1835.

I am visting Tipperary in June and would love to find what became of the rest of the family.  I am trying to find out about Michael, and also Margaret Tynan.  I would dearly like to know if there is any living descendent of Michael and Margaret's still living in the area, and where other family members may be buried.  I would like to visit their graves. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Arohanui from New Zealand

Kerry Driscoll


Monday 3rd Feb 2014, 07:55AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Kerry,

    Thanks for your message. I have forwarded it onto one of our volunteers who hopefully may be able to assist or advise.

    Kind regards,



    Tuesday 11th Mar 2014, 11:24AM
  • I have my impending trip and am gathering anything I can find on my Ryan and Tynan families.

    I know how common the name Ryan is so it could be a big mission to track my Michael, but I am wondering about Margaret Tynan and where she may have come from?   If they baptised their children in Holycross then might there be some family members around this area?

    Can anyone advise me on this?


    I am very excited to be coming to Thurles.


    Kerry Driscoll


    Monday 26th May 2014, 06:54PM
  • Dear Kerry

    I have passed this to our Thurles volunteer for an update.

    Enjoy yout trip!


    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 09:46AM
  • Thanks Paddy

    As it happens I came across Rev Joe Tynan's parents after being put on to them by a woman at the visitors shop in the Abbey.  And also I had been communicating with their daughter, a sibling of Rev Joe's.  However their origins are not from Thurles although that is not to totally rule them out as relations yet.

    I have not been able to see the actual baptisms as both Priests were unwell, although Father Celsus did manage to confirm that they are there - but was too unwell to be able to go and copy them.  I am hoping someone might do that at some stage and send photographs to me.  They will, hopefully, have the townland and identify the Ryan family.  The Tynans were likely from Ballycahill, possibly Newtown?


    Anyway, I am very close to knowing.......!


    By the way, we had a lovely time in the area.  It is a beautiful place with so much history.

    And we had dinner with Joe and Nancy Tynan - top people.  The following night we were in Wicklow having dinner with their daughter!

    kind regards

    Kerry Driscoll


    Sunday 6th Jul 2014, 03:59AM
  • Whilst I was in Holycross last month I met Joe and Nancy Tynan (no relation).

    I also managed to find that Margaret Tynan and Michael Ryan came from Ballycahill.  Still trying to find if this Tynan family was from Newtown, or Moneydass.  


    By the way, I think that this area was one of the most beautiful places we visited whilst in Ireland.





    Tuesday 29th Jul 2014, 08:52PM
  • It has been an exciting day!

    With the launch of the Catholic records online I have finally been able to view the baptisms.  I found that it is recorded they are from Mealiffe, and I am wondering if the children were baptised in Ballycahill because of a Tynan connection there?  There were some in Newtown and Ballynahow.  Can anyone offer any ideas?  Are there still Ryans from this line in Mealiffe (Moyaliffe)

    Michael Ryan and Margaret Tynan Children’s Baptisms

    Ballycahill and Holycross records (Mealiffe or Moyaliff)

    Ellenora Ryan 1- 9 -1836  sp Timothy Tynan & Mary Ryan

    Patrick Ryan 9 – 8 -1838   sp Patrick Dwyer & Margaret Ryan

    Margaret Ryan 21-3-1840  sp Ml. Costelloe & Mary O’Dwyer

    Judith Ryan 6 – 6 1842   sp Pat Ryan & Judy McGrath

    Edmund Ryan 24 – 2 – 1847  sp John and Mary Tynan.  


    Weirdly, when I was staying in the area last year I spent a couple of hours pottering in the Moyaliffe cemetery.  

    kind regards from New Zealand

    Kerry Driscoll





    Thursday 9th Jul 2015, 06:24PM

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