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Am trying to locate my GGG Grandfather, Sylvester KENNEDY born circa 1770. I have failed to find a birth, marriage or death for him in County Tipperary. He and his wife had at least 5 children, Mary, Patrick (my GG Grandfather), Hugh, John and Michael, and because the name Sylvester runs throughout the family descendency I would assume that there was a Sylvester too. Birth dates are not certain, but would date roughly from 1809 to 1830 or so. Naming patterns are true to the Irish format. My GG Grandfather married Margaret HOGAN in Terryglass in 1839. Their children were Sylvester 1841, John 1843, Mary 1844, Hugh (a predominant name through these Kennedy families), Hugh 1846, Michael 1848. There may have been an Ellen 1844 too. GG Grandfather also had a son to Nancy LARKIN, Patrick b 1836, but they never married. In 1853 Patrick & Margaret came to England, settling in Rotherham, Yorkshire where they had another daughter Annie. I have been searching for Sylvester senior for the past 10 years and he still eludes me. In desperation I tried a blanket search on rootsireland which threw up a Sylvester of roughly the right age and with a son called Sylvester,baptised in 1795 but in Dundalk parish, County Louth. This seems too far away to me for a migration, but any thoughts are very, very welcome. My research has left me to understand that my GG Grandfather Patrick was a bog farmer, but Co Galway has given me no leads so far to Sylvester. Sorry for the long post

Sunday 19th Jan 2014, 05:25PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello June,

    Civil records began in Ireland in 1864 so this is well out of your date range.  RC church records began at different times in different towns and counties.  Most churches had a record system in place by around 1830 or so.  A few churches mostly in big urban areas started keeping records a bit earlier.  However your search for records going back to 1770 is very optimistic and though I hope you will find something, I fear that you will be unsuccessful.

    Search for baptismal records for Co. tipperary.  How sure are you that this is the correct county?  If you go to and search the Griffith valuation you will find some land that was leased to Sylvester Kennedy.  It will give the townland etc.   Is this your ancestor?  This census of the land was taken between 1830 and 1850.  It was printed about 1850.  

    Have a look at that,


    Monday 20th Jan 2014, 05:55PM
  • Hi

    As Anne said in her letter it is very difficult to get records in Ireland going back that far.

    Am sending you link to Terryglass Old Cemetary and you will see a headstone there of the Kennedy family and Sylvester Kennedy there based on his childrens age born around 1865

    Regards Bill Ryan.

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 20th Jan 2014, 08:49PM
  • Many thanks to Anne and Bill for your comments and suggestions.  They were really helpful.  I was aware of the rootsireland site, and indeed have built up a largish database of Kennedy people from that site, still visiting daily.  Eventually I hope to make this available to others on a  website.  The gravestone image for the younger Sylvester is already in my tree, they are related.  Pleased to learn about the ask about Ireland site - I didn't know of this, and spent a happy hour on it last night.  I knew it was a big ask to find Sylvester bc 1770, but I won't give up on him.  He must have died somewhere, so will 'attack' all death records in Tipp and surrounding counties for the 1830's onwards.  Thanks once again.

    Wednesday 22nd Jan 2014, 08:56AM
  • Hi, I know it's been a while with any activity on this post.
    I saw this......the is the marriage od the couple that you have a photo of their headstone. This Sylvester was Hugh's son.…
    This is his death.…

    This site below is free and you may be able to get more info.
    Hugh's birth.…

    sorry, but this is Hugh's death, very young.…
    Catherine's death no. 375…

    Have a look at the site.


    Monday 11th Feb 2019, 11:28AM

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