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Chasing info on John Atkinson and Ancestors.  Born 1828 Terryglass.  He was the 8th child of James and Sarah Atkinson. Emigrated in 1851 to South Australia.

Possibly James was born in Ireland in 1780 and possibly died in 1850

Sunday 23rd Jun 2013, 11:12AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    We are following up on your query and trying to put pieces of the puzzle together just some questions if you have answers may help.

    Do you know if John had a sister called Sarah.

    Do you know of any family connection to Shinrone (Kings County) now Offaly.

    Any family connection to Tasmania.

    Any mention of the surnames Dagg and Arthur in your family.

    Regards Bill Ryan Ireland Reaching Out

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 27th Jun 2013, 07:01PM
  • Hi

    If my information is correct James Atkinson senior married Sarah Abbott of Borrisokane one of their sons James married Charlotte Dagg in 1850 in Terryglass .

    James senior appears to have been master in the local school from 1809-1837.

    Charlotte Dagg's father was William with land in several ares of the parish including Slevoir Terryglass.

    One of the above appears to have met a tragic end which I would prefer not to publish here on an open forum until I have your permission and that my information is 100 percent correct.

    You may be aware of all of the above so in order to clarify please contact me at my email address which is

    Regards Bill Ryan

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 28th Jun 2013, 11:04AM
  • Hi there

    I am in NZ looking to trace ancestors with the name Abbott, who I suspect were in the Borrisokane area around the early 1800s. Do you have any more info on Sarah Abbott, her parents etc? There also seems to be a family connection to Shinrone as your previous poster had mentioned.

    Many thanks


    Friday 31st Jan 2014, 02:55AM
  • Hi Sarah.
    I have a lot of information on James Atkinson husband of Sarah Abbott but not a lot of definitive information on Sarah at the moment A group from the Terryglass area met a great great Grandson of theirs when he and his wife visited the country last Sept/Oct
    James died in 1850 in tragic circumstances and all of their family except one emigrated to Australia and Tasmania ...
    I viewed one family tree on Ancestry which stated that Sarah went to live in Manchester and died in 1877 there but cannot independently confirm this.
    Will try to follow up some more
    Regards Bill Ryan

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 5th Feb 2014, 09:42PM

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