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One day my son noticed information on my computer about Tipperary.  It was there because I had been completing some research on the family ancestry.  After I told him about his roots being in Tipperary, he said that that was 'funny' because while he had worked as a guide at the WWI Canadian site at Vimy Ridge in France the song It's a Long Way to Tipperary was often mentioned as part of the historical information.  My daughter who is a classical singer was sitting in the room at the time and she said that ,even stranger, she was practising the same song for an upcoming production that she was working on.  We had not shared any of this information until that moment!   Hmmm...  The connections in the situation caused us to wonder - was all of this just a coincidence???  I think not.

Wednesday 26th Dec 2012, 08:38PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    Thanks for sharing this! It has made me smile...I can imagine the reactions as each connection was revealed!


    I hope that you have been sucessful in your research into your ancestry in Tipperary. If you have any queries regarding it, please don't hesitate to post it here.


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 13th Feb 2013, 01:19PM

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