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My wife Kate's great grandmother was Mary Waters.  She emigrated to New York State before 1845 and married William Fitzpatrick and lived in Albany County, New York until she died in 1909.  Her death certificate indicates that her parents were William and Mary Waters (no surname given for her mother).  Using, there was a Mary Waters baptized in 1831 in Templemore more with parents William Waters and Mary Hogan. also shows a William Fitzpatrick who was baptized in Templemore in 1819 with parents William Fitzpatrick and Ellen Ryan.  We are looking for any additional information we can find out about either Mary Waters or William Fitzpatrick in an effort to determine if either of these are indeed Kate's ancestors.

Mike Lancor


Tuesday 9th Sep 2014, 03:53PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Iancor

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    The only way to make the connection between your Mary and William and those listed on rootsireland is to try to find out more about the family so that sponsors names on baptisms or witness names on marriage certs can be crossed referenced for example.

    Are there any other avenues that you can search your side that might lead to providing information like this? Have you searched ancestry's message boards/public member trees or rootsweb for any mention on the family name.

    Best wishes
    Clare Doyle
    Genealogy Support

    Thursday 18th Sep 2014, 11:50AM

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