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I am seeking information for Thomas Myers of Clonmel and his wife Catherine Meagher, parents of my great grandfather John Myers and his sisters Mary and Kate. John went first to New York where he fathered a child Mary (Mamie) with Ann Cashin in 1875. They returned tpo Deansgrove, Cashel where Catherine Ita Myers was born in 1878. The family then travelled to Australia, to where sisters Mary and Kate had already migrated. John was born in Clonmel approx 1840.


Kerry Myers

Sydney, Australia

Saturday 31st May 2014, 02:32AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Kerry,

    I have looked at the records on and found the baptismal record for Catherine Myers, however I can't find any records pertaining to John Myers baptism, or any marriage record for Thomas and Catherine.  However just because I can't find them doesn't mean they don't exist.  Since most of the births and marriages happen after 1864 (civil registration began) then there should be a record of them in the general register office.  You could try looking for a death cert or marriage cert in Australia and new york to make sure you have the correct names.

    I'm sorry that I can't seem to help you in any way.  

    KInd regards,

    Anne Dennehy

    Saturday 31st May 2014, 04:19PM
  • Thanks for your swift reply, Anne. My search is getting "curiouser and curisouser". Thomas married Catherine Croagh or Croke, so the Baptismal certificate must belong to another Catherine. Their son John married Ann Cashin in New York in 1975 but I cannot find a marriage record for them there either. They left their first born in Massachussetts with Ann's family before returning to Cashel where their second girl Catherine Ita was born on 22 July 1877. They migrated to Australia in 1878. One of the mysteries is why they left Mamie in NY to return to Ireland and then travel al the way to Australia. I ca't track down anything more on Thomas, either.

    I appreciate your help.





    Sunday 1st Jun 2014, 02:33AM
  • Hi Kerry,

    I think we are talking at cross purposes.  The baptismal record I found was for Catherine Myers, daughter of John Myers and Ann Cashin in Co tipperary in 1877.

    I had searched for a marriage record for Thomas Myers to Catherine (Meagher in your previous post) but couldn't find one.

    You say now that Thomas married a Catherine Croke??  I have searched also for a record for that name but couldn't find one.

    I searched rootsireland and irishgenealogy for a baptismal record for John Myers.

    I found two records on for a John Myers, father Thomas Myers, mother ???

    Both records are from Co. Cork one in 1835 the other 1840.

    I'm wondering what documentation you have showing Thomas's wifes name? It would help if you could site your source.  How sure are you that it is Catherine Croke?

    It really is a mystery isn't it?  I can understand why you would feel the need to get to the bottom of it.

    Have you fund them on passenger lists?

    Please get back to me and let me know what you have documented.  The plot thickens!!!



    Sunday 1st Jun 2014, 08:53AM

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