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I am looking for descendants of Thomas Parr and Rebecca Pratt who lived in Agshmear near Roscrea. I am a descendant of their daughter Georgina Parr who came to South Africa in the early 1900's. One of their other daughters, Rebecca Louisa married Richard William Burslem Rotheroe and also came to South Africa. Rebecca Parr (nee Pratt) died in South Africa in 1927. She had 9 children of whom 7 were living at the time of the 1911 census. On her death notice her children are named as Annie, Henry, Rebecca, Maggie, Sarah, Maria and Georgina. I believe Sarah (Jane) married James Fairbrother as there is a Rebecca Louisa Faribrother (granddaughter) living with the Parr's in 1901. Any help in tracing descendants would be appreciated as I am visiting Ireland this summer.


Friday 15th Feb 2013, 08:41AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Eamonn,

    Please let me know if you received my email. I sent it from my mobile so I'm not sure if you got it.




    Saturday 23rd Feb 2013, 12:37PM
  • Hi Carolyne

    I live Couraguneen in the parish of Bourney, and im only 2 miles from whre the Parr and Pratt family's live.

    I printed out the Message you posted and a friend of mine gave it to the Harry Parr.

    They didnt know anything about the people in the message you posted but if they say it to other members of the family, they could have something when you come in the summer. 

    Im not sure if they are into family history or not but they know that you are coming to Ireland this summer.

    If i meet them before you come il have a chat with them and try to find out more info for you.



    Bournea, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 24th Feb 2013, 12:45AM
  • Hi Tim,

    Thanks for your help. It is a bit of a long shot trying to find surviving relatives bearing in mind there have been 2 World Wars in between as well! Anyway I thought it would be fun for my kids to meet some Irish relatives and to learn something of why they might have left Ireland and travelled to South Africa.




    Monday 25th Feb 2013, 07:38AM
  • Hi Carolynne,


    I have been doing up a family tree and with the information you provided i can see we are related!


    Rebecca Louisa Parr, whom married Richard William Burslem Rotheroe is my Great Grand mother.

    My Name is Roger Burslem Rotheroe and i live in Ireland In County Westmeath. Not too far from Roscrea.


    I would realy like to get more info so here is my email address:


    Look forward to hearing from you

    Monday 18th Mar 2013, 08:22PM

    Just by chance I Google Thomas Parr as I had just received a folder of our history from my elder sister and didn’t really know much about our family in Tipperary. Perhaps you could pass this email onto Caroline as I have some pictures of her relations in South Africa. My grandmother was Margaret Frances Parr sister of Georgina, Elizabeth, Sarah and Eileen  I’m reading the names from the back of a photo taken in Pretoria S. A. in the early 1900’s . My great grandmother Rebecca Pratt and my ma are in a picture standing on a railroad station Johannesburg in 1927. This really is weird as I knew off a cousin Maud Fairbrother  in Birr but no one else. I believe Rebecca Pratt died in S.A. not long after they arrived. My own grandma Maggie married a bloke called Charles Albert Cole and they emigrated to Canada and had three children Violet, Albert and Maud. It seems Maggie didn’t stay more than a few years due to religion dispute with my Granddad and returned to Birr to stay with Maud Fairbrother. My Ma went to school in Cloughjordan  and my uncle Albert was a footman in the Earl of Rosse house the one with the telescope. I have a some photo’s off the family in S.A with a person called Bob and Georgina who had three children. There is also a chap called Dix or Dick back of the picture is quite dirty. Also there is a picture of a gravestone with a Maud Elizabeth died in 1903 wife of George Hill and a picture of Rebecca’s grave. Maggie died in Bangor or Belfast in 1949. This is so strange thinking I may have a family bigger than two sisters.


    Sunday 31st Mar 2013, 02:17PM

    Just by chance I Google Thomas Parr as I had just received a folder of our history from my elder sister and didn’t really know much about our family in Tipperary. Perhaps you could pass this email onto Caroline as I have some pictures of her relations in South Africa. My grandmother was Margaret Frances Parr sister of Georgina, Elizabeth, Sarah and Eileen  I’m reading the names from the back of a photo taken in Pretoria S. A. in the early 1900’s . My great grandmother Rebecca Pratt and my ma are in a picture standing on a railroad station Johannesburg in 1927. This really is weird as I knew off a cousin Maud Fairbrother  in Birr but no one else. I believe Rebecca Pratt died in S.A. not long after they arrived. My own grandma Maggie married a bloke called Charles Albert Cole and they emigrated to Canada and had three children Violet, Albert and Maud. It seems Maggie didn’t stay more than a few years due to religion dispute with my Granddad and returned to Birr to stay with Maud Fairbrother. My Ma went to school in Cloughjordan  and my uncle Albert was a footman in the Earl of Rosse house the one with the telescope. I have a some photo’s off the family in S.A with a person called Bob and Georgina who had three children. There is also a chap called Dix or Dick back of the picture is quite dirty. Also there is a picture of a gravestone with a Maud Elizabeth died in 1903 wife of George Hill and a picture of Rebecca’s grave. Maggie died in Bangor or Belfast in 1949. This is so strange thinking I may have a family bigger than two sisters.


    Sunday 31st Mar 2013, 02:18PM
  • Hi Pat,  Thanks for the info you have provided.My Great Grand mother was Rebecca Louise Parr, the elder sister to Margaret and Georgina Parr. She married Richard Rotheroe who immigrated with the family to SA. Thats were i was born but now i live in Ireland. My email address is i would really like to get more info off you since i have been putting together a family tree. Thanks Roger

    Sunday 31st Mar 2013, 04:06PM
  • Hi Eamonn, Roger and Pat,

    This is all very exciting news! Pat, I would love to see a photograph of Georgina as she died in 1927 and my grandmother didn't have any photographs of her.

    My email is

    Georgina married Robert James Bamber (Bob in the photograph!) They had 3 sons Thomas Robert James, William Henry (my grandfather)and Albert Victor Bamber. I am not sure who the Eileen or Dick would be in the photograph.

    My husband Justin and I, and our 2 kids, James and Charlotte will be in Roscrea on 1st and 2nd July this year and it would be lovely to get together and have a bit of a family reunion!

    I will see what photographs I can find this side.





    Monday 1st Apr 2013, 06:48AM
  • Hi Carolynne

    Yes of course you can have a picture of Georgina though when I received the file most of the photos are quite dirty but I’ll do my best to clean them up. Unfortunately you won’t meet me at home as I now live in England .


    Monday 1st Apr 2013, 04:59PM
  • Hi Pat,

    What a pity I won't get to meet you but I'll let you have whatever I can dig up.

    My aunt remembers an Eileen Dix that the family used to visit but she wasn't sure what the relationship was. On the NAAIRS website I found a Mary Ellen Dix (nee Parr) who was married to Robert Foulsham Dix, so I wonder if this Mary Ellen could have been called Eileen? I also found a Maud Elizabeth Hill (nee Parr) who was married to George Hill and died in 1904. They both died in the Transvaal. I am going to order the death notices and see if I can find further informaton.



    Tuesday 2nd Apr 2013, 06:32AM
  • Guys Directory-1893

    William Parr

    Henry Parr-Roscrea



    Frederick Ambrose Parr-1884

    Catherine Madaleine Parr-1885

    William Joseph Parr-1890

    John Aloyius Parr-1891

    Angela Parr-1893

    Anne Millicent Parr-1887

    Kathleen Mollie Mc D Parr-1909

    Alec Desmond Mc D Parr-1909

    Sheelah Dorithea Parr-1906


    Slaters Directory-1894

    William Parr


    Thoms Directory 1868

    Thomas Parr

    William Parr


    Landed Estate Court Rentals- 1858

    John Parr



    Kathleen Mollie Mc Donnell Parr- 1909


    Jack Mc Donald

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 07:39PM
  • Carolynne, my name is Rosemary Anne Foulsham-Dix eldest granddaughter now 72 yrs old of Mary Ellen Foulsham-Dix (nee Parr).  With great interest I read your various comments on our family.

    Mary Ellen married Robert Foulsham-Dix from England - two children my father Robert Foulsham-Dix and his sister Eileen May (Bamford) now of course both desceased.

    Robert Foulsham-Dix married Jean Thompson, three children - Rosemary Anne, Margaret Jean and Maureen (Barbara Mary).  I have two sons, Andre' Cranfield Dix and Rodger Foulsham Dix.  I am now retired after working 53 years in the corporate accounting world, and live with Rodger, helping in looking after his four children, Stuart, Julian and twins David and Danielle.  At the moment I am homeschooling the three younger children , loving it and can be a blessing to Rodger and his children at this moment in time.  Margaret Jean (Johnson) two sons, Derek and Colin passed away some years back.  Maureen (Tomaino) lives in Hermanus, Western Cape great whale watching place, beautiful part of the world, she is a very accomplished Watercolour Artist, has two sons, Robert (named after his grandfather) and Bruce. 

    My mother and I visited Ireland in 1967, very unfortunately we did not visit my fathers' side of the family. We stayed two weeks with my mothers family, what a welcome and such hospitality !!

    I can remember my grandmother speaking about life in Ireland, one of five sisters and one brother Harry Parr.  I believe that during the severe "potato famine" the daughters immigrated to South Africa and Australia.  Though very young I met Rebecca Rotheroe (nee Parr) daughter Violet ! Harry Parr (jnr) married Lily, lived and Florida, Johannesburg (five children) and they had a lovely delicatessen shop in Newlands, Johannesburg for years.  I remember meeting him.

    There was an occasion in Balymena (spelling !) my mother and I were crossing a road, and a funeral possession drove post, low and behold in one of the cars was Harry Parr (jnr) !

    Rosemary Anne Foulsham-Dix

    Tuesday 23rd Jul 2013, 05:41AM
  • Hello all

    My name is Peter-John, living in  Johannesburg South Africa.  Its quite something to realise how many distant relations/ cousins I have throughout the world.  Rodger - I and I to be second cousins.

    I am the grandson of Violet Maude Rotheroe, who was the daugther of Rebecca Louisa Rotheroe (my great gran). Rebecca Loiusa was the daughter of Thomas Parr and Rebecca Pratt and it seems the sister of Georgina Parr .  Violet (Vi) had a daughter June who had two children, myself Peter-John and my sister Lynne.

    My gran Violet  lived with us for my whole life until she passed away in 1986, and I can still recall with great fondness the stories she would tell us of her days in Irelend and in South Africa.   Many of the names mentioned in peoples posts such as Harry Parr, and Eileen Dix, were very close to my gran.  I still see my cousin Bev regularly,and will advise her of this site.  Bev is the daughther of Eric Rotheroe, who was born in Ireland.  Eric was my Gran's brother.



    Thursday 15th Aug 2013, 10:45AM
  • Dear Pat,

    re: " there is also a chap called dix !"

    My name is Rosemary Anne Foulsham-Dix, I live in South Africa and I am the eldest daughter of three girls of the late Robert (Bob) Foulsham-Dix son of Mary Ellen Parr, my Dad had one sister  Eileen May. Mary Ellen married Robert Foulsham-Dix (snr) and came to South Africa. She is one of five (I think) daughters of Harry Parr (snr) then there is one son in the family Harry Parr (jnr) who also lives in South Africa married Lilly and have five children.  He had a beautiful delicatessen shop in Johannesburg at one time, have met him and his wife.  My late mother Jean and I visited Ireland in 1967, but unfortunately only spent time with my mothers' side of the family in Belfast and surrounds. 

    I have two sisters the late Margaret Jean and Maureen (Barbara Mary) all of us had two sons.  My two sone are Andre' Cranfield and Rodger Foulsham Dix named after his grandfather.

    I have when I was quite young met some of the members of my Grandmother (Mary Ellen), Granny Dix we effectionately called her.  Aunt Rebecca, Olive, Violet, just cannot remember too well.  I am now 73 years old.  I also met Tom Bamber, a relative of a relative, not sure exactly how, younger members as well John, Nola.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


    Kind regards,

    Rosemary Anne Foulsham-Dix (Rose for short)


    Rosemary Anne Foulsham-Dix

    Monday 5th Jan 2015, 05:19AM
  • Hello, I'm the grandson of Maud Cole, sister to Violet and Albert, originally of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. My great grandmother was Margaret Frances Parr. I'm writing on behalf of my mother who is the only child of Maud Cole. My mother has fond memories of the Parrs and Fairbrothers. I'm hoping someone comes across this message, so that I might put my mother in touch with extended family.

    Mark Seawright

    Tuesday 31st May 2016, 06:44PM
  • Mark i'm your cousin youngest brother of Norma and Vera sadly Norma passed away last year if you could pass this message onto Pat we have some news for her. Thanks.

    Friday 30th Jun 2017, 06:34PM
  • Very good to hear from you. I will contact my mother, Pat, right away. I know she will be very saddened to hear of Norma's passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

    Mark Seawright 

    Mark Seawright

    Saturday 1st Jul 2017, 12:25PM
  • Pat, my mother is not terribly computer savvy and asks if perhaps you could call her? She is so exited to hear about your sisters. She thinks she has an email address but doesn't know what that might be. If it makes things easier my email address is my mothers phone number is xxxxxxx. We live in Canada, so there's a time difference. All the best.

    Mark Seawright



    Mark Seawright

    Saturday 1st Jul 2017, 01:05PM
  • Unfortunately, I have come into this conversation quite late.

    I am a descendant of Susan Parr- John Talbot m.1851

    Susan's Father was Thomas Parr - Mother Mary ?

    Siblings include

    -John / Elizabeth Fairbrother m.1852

    -Frances / William Wall m.1856

    -Thomas / Rebecca Pratt m.1867

    -Ellen / Joseph Hayes m..1869

    I have completed a detailed Talbot family tree - and a rudimentary Parr tree compiled from the Irish Genealogy Site

    I would be delighted to share information. ( I am based in Dublin )

    Interestingly - I have had a lot of DNA responses from Pratt cousins but do not know the connection - was Thomas's wife Mary also a Pratt ?.




    Tuesday 24th Aug 2021, 11:43AM

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