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One of my ancestors Elizabeth Quinn nee Howe was born in Co. Tipperary @ 1819.

The oral history in my family is that she was the daughter of a Rev. Howe of Roscrea.

I wondered if anyone could confirm that there was a Rev. Howe in Roscrea at this time.


Best Regards



Tuesday 19th Aug 2014, 09:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Dermot

    I have passed this to our Roscrea volunteers. I hope they will be in touch soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 19th Aug 2014, 02:24PM
  • Hi Eamonn


    Thanks for your help.


    Just wondering was there any other protestant denominations e.g. Presbyterian Methodist  in Roscrea @1800?


    Tuesday 2nd Sep 2014, 03:23PM

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