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Hi, I am trying to trace my gggrandmother Catherine Kennedy, from Nenagh. She came to Australia on board the Pemberton in 1849. I know all about her from that date, but no details regarding parents. Her death certificate states her father was Phillip a publican, but I do not believe this to be accurate. She was eighteen when she arrived. I was told some time ago that there was a baptism for a Catherine Kennedy in 1832, but have not heard since. There is reference to her in the Nenagh Gazette, January 1850, when another orphan wrote home and she is mentioned and the letter was published.

Could any one please help me, I know it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and am about to stop family ancestory for her.

Regards Janice Chapman.

Thursday 8th Nov 2012, 01:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.


    Have you checked the immigration records in Australia? Generally, more information was given at the port of arrival rather than the port of departure. The University of Woolongong has produced, on microfiche, a complete index and transcript of all information concerning immigrants of Irish origin recorded on ships' passenger lists between 1848 and 1867. These are useful for finding out an exact place of origin as well as parents' names. The Public Record Office of Victoria has good online databases of settlers at Otherwise, other records may be found in the Colonial Office Papers of the UK National Archives, class reference CO 201. This class contains a wide variety of records, including petitions for assisted passages, emigrants' lists, records of emigrants on board ship, petitions from settlers for financial assistance and much more.


    Have you tried Griffith's Valuation (1848-64)     or the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS)   for her relatives?

    You might try Irish Newspaper Archives: concerning the published letter she was mentioned in. Also try… for an overview of records and sources that might be available for County Tipperary.

    You may also try contacting  (a fee may apply).

    Remember to post as much information as you can with regard to the people you are researching. The more information you post, the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to advise or assist you. Also include information concerning which sources you may have already used so others may further your search.

    Please be patient - as our programme has only begun to rollout across the island of Ireland and volunteers in some areas may not yet be organized.

    Kind regards,                    

    Genealogy Support

    Ireland Reaching Out 


    Wednesday 9th Jan 2013, 04:01PM
  • Hi,
    I know this has been a while since this was first posted.
    As you stated Nenagh.............
    The only Philip Kennedy I could find in Nenagh was this one. Lisbouny is a townland just outside Nenagh town.
    His Baptism.......2nd entry down......31st Mary 1797
    Father Tom Kennedy and Mother Bridget Cleary.
    This is the information of the Pemberton in 1849 that I see.
    No mention of a Catherine Kennedy.…
    There is a Catherine Kennedy in 1832 but to a Tom Kennedy.
    I spotted this......
    1832 29th June a John Kennedy to Phillip Kennedy and Anne Larkin. left hand page.

    That's all I could find, sorry.



    Friday 17th Apr 2020, 02:45PM
  • Like your gggrandmother, my ggrandmother Sarah Hickey came from Nenagh and arrived in Melbourne in 1849 on the Pemberton when aged 17 – and as with her, I cannot find any trace of her parents, Mary Anne Gleason and John Bennett, farmer. In her case she left from the Tipperary town workhouse. You mentioned a letter sent back to Ireland by one of the Pemberton girls. Might you have a link or location for that letter? Love to know if you do as I am midway through research on my relative and the Pemberton girls.

    Tony Fawcett

    Saturday 18th Apr 2020, 08:50AM
  • Hi Janice. This may be a long shot.

    How sure are you about the name os Catherine's father? Did Catherine use her father's name for one her sons? Following the traditional naming, her second-born son should be called Philip. It got a bit lose in Australia though.

    Second, My ancestor Roderick Kennedy from Nenagh, had a sister called Catherine, born 1830. Their father was John.

    Did Catherine come into Melbourne? The PROV has all the shipping records on microfiche. If she cam into Melbourne, where did she settle? Roderick's younger brother Michael settled near Rody in Lancefield/Donnybrook.


    Teresa Kemp


    Saturday 18th Apr 2020, 10:57AM
  • Attached Files

    Janice, there is a Catherine Kennedy, born to Philip Kennedy and Judy Nolan, in Knocknabansha, Kilcommon parish, Tipperary in 1833 (see screenshot attached). She is the only recorded Catherine born to a Philip in Tipperary during the time (+/-5 years).  Kilcommon Parish is just south of Nenagh. I hope this helps.



    Saturday 18th Apr 2020, 11:19AM

    Hi Janice,

    This is the list of emigrants from Tipperary that I used to find my great great grandmother, Mary Kennedy, and her sister and brothers:

    This list shows only one Catherine Kennedy aged 18 leaving in 1849, but the ship was the "William and Mary" and this Catherine is from Cahir.  

    Where did your original information about Catherine come from?

    I hope this helps in some way...

    Best wishes, 




    Quita Leslie

    Saturday 18th Apr 2020, 10:25PM
  • Hello all

    An article that may help research is

    Emigration from the Workhouse of Nenagh Union, Co. Tipperary, 1849-1860, The Irish Ancestor

    Volume 17 No 1, 1985.





    Sunday 19th Apr 2020, 09:32AM

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