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I am seeking information on  Jeremiah (Darby) Hogan and Anne Whelan who married in Borrisokane on 25 October 1846.  They went on to live in the parish of Monsea where their son John was baptised in August 1862.  Other children of the marriage were Bridget b ca 1854; Michael b ca 1860 (my great grandfather); and Ellen b ca 1864.  There may have been other children. 

Information about Jeremiah and Anne's parents and any other information about the family is welcome.



Sunday 23rd Dec 2012, 10:35PM

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    A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837


    , or MOUNTSEA, a parish, in the barony of LOWER ORMOND,

    county of TIPPERARY, and province of MUNSTER, 2 ? miles (N. W.) from Nenagh, on the road to Dromineer, near the river Shannon; containing 1753 inhabitants. It comprises about 5265 statute acres, chiefly in tillage; the land is in general good, limestone abounds, and the state of agriculture is much improved.

    There is a small portion of wet or bottom land. Great facility for the transport of agricultural and other produce is afforded by the steam-boats of the Inland Navigation Company, one of whose stations is in the adjoining parish of Dromineer.

    The seats are Richmond, the residence of R. W. Gason, Esq., situated in a handsome and well-planted demesne; Tullaghmore, of William Finch, Esq.; the glebe-house, of the Rev. William Cromie; and Rockfort, the property of J. Wolfe, Esq. It is a rectory and vicarage, in the diocese of Killaloe, each forming a distinct benefice, and both in the gift of the Bishop. Of the tithes, amounting to ?415. 7. 8 ?., two-thirds are payable to the rector, and the remainder to the vicar. There is a glebe comprising 8a. 1r.; and a glebe-house, erected in 1813, by aid of a gift of ?400, and a loan of ?308, from the late Board of First Fruits. The church is a plain structure with a tower, built in 1799, by aid of a gift of ?500, and repaired in 1818 by a loan of ?50 from the same Board.

    In the R. C. divisions the parish is the head of a union or district, comprising also the parishes of Killodiernan and Dromineer, and containing two chapels: that of Monsea is a handsome modern building, situated at Carrick; the other is in Killodiernan. About 50 children are educated in a private school. At Ballyatalla are some vestiges of the ancient castle of that name.



    Do you know what Townland in Borrisokane or Monsea - Darby or Anne were born?The Irish Family History Foundation Tipperary North. They have Birth, Marriage and Death records. (Fee)


    Also - The land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38) or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64). Griffith's is freely available here:

    Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38).

    Microfilm copies of the books for all of Ireland are available at the National Archives of Ireland (NAI)

    Best wishes.




    Saturday 5th Jan 2013, 06:22PM
  • I purchases a Baptismal Record from RootIreland for Stephen Grace who was born on 18 October 1870 in Ardgregane, Monsea parish.  The sponsors were Ml Hogan and Mrs Hogan.  The parents were James Grace and Sara Maher.  Hope this might help in some way. 



    Friday 1st Mar 2013, 03:04AM

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