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I am searching for Michael Taylor who married Johanna Costello.  Their daughter Ann Taylor emigrated to the United States.  I do not have any dates other than the dates of her children born in the US which was in the 1890's.  I believe the family was from around Cashel.  Any help is appreciated. 



Saturday 13th Jun 2020, 03:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Maryt:

    Thanks for your post.  If you had a year of birth for Ann Taylor, that would be great.  I cannot find a reference to a Michael and Johanna Costello Taylor in the Cashel area without a few dates to go on.

    Please be sure to post it on this thread and we will try to assist you.


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 15th Jun 2020, 01:09PM
  • Thank you Jane for responding.  I've dug a little deeper and finally found some dates.  According to the US Census of 1900, Ann Taylor was born in1861, it says January but I think that was just to fill in a blank on the cenus. She immigrated to the US in 1881.   I know the family lived near Cashel but I don't know for sure that they did at the time.  I know she is from Tipperary.   Thanks so much for your help.    Mary





    Tuesday 16th Jun 2020, 03:39PM
  • Hi Maryt:

    I do find a church baptism for an Anne Taylor with parents listed as Michael Taylor and Judith Ryan. Her baptism sponsors were John Comerford and Anne Taylor and the residence was Kilmore.  T She was baptised 5 June 1861 in the parish of Knockavilla which is just east of Cashel.  Here is the link to the page:

    I do not see any reference to a Michael Taylor in Griffith's Valuation in Kilmore but I do see two references to a Michael Taylor in the townland of Gortard in the civil parish of Donohill which is not too far from Cashel,  I have attached the pages for you to look at.  You might also be able to trace this family in the Census of Ireland which I would encourage you to do if you think that this could be the correct family.  The link for the Census is here:

    I will check with a few Tipperary volunteers to see if they can add further information to this post. 

    The very best of luck and please let us know if you need anything further. 


    All the best,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Friday 19th Jun 2020, 09:46AM
  • Hi,

    I'm a Taylor from Knockavilla. I too have been employed in the task of tracing the Taylor family tree.
    Apologies in advance for such a long message.

    We're Taylor's in the townsland of Lisloran in Knockavilla. However, the Taylor name is not very plentiful in the area and since it is also an English surname I believe that there's a very strong posibility that if we manage to trace back our family tree far enough that we may actually be all the one family.

    The idea that the family came to the area during the Cromwellian war era 1649-53 has been floated around within my family for a couple of generations and I'm hoping that I can trace the family back to this stage and prove this family legend.

    Regarding my branch of the Taylor tree. I'm of the 6th generation living in Lisloran. My father is Philip Taylor, grandfather John Taylor, G grandfather Philip Taylor 1885-1965 and he had a brother Michael Taylor who also lived in Lisloran, GG grandfather Michael Taylor and GGG grandfather Patrick Taylor.
    This roughly brings me to the late 1700s early 1800s.

    As we are a family that followed the Catholic faith and Taylor is an Anglucan name it is noted within family legend that a Taylor converted from Anglicanisim in order to marry his Catholic wife and that's when we Taylor's came to the townsland of Lisloran. Prior to moving to Lisloran this Taylor is said to have come from Kilpatrick which is in the Anacarthy/Dundrum area; and is just the other side of the parish of Knockavilla from the townsland of Lisloran.

    It is this Kilpatrick connection that makes me believe that we maybe of the same Taylor family tree.

    During my research I have come across Taylor's in Gurtussa, Gortarush, Gortard, Graffin and Bishopswood. There are also Tayor's in Ballinahinch; however there are at least two if not 3 Taylor's in this townsland for the last 100 years or so, one branch is from my great granduncle's family from Lisloran and I think another family were a branch from the Taylor's from Bishopswood.

    Regards the afore mentioned townslands beginning with G and Kilpatrick, these townslands are all within very close proximity of each other; this is further adding to my inclinations that we indeed are all of the one family tree.

    As you may have noticed, I have stopped in my tree in the early 1800's with Patrick Taylor and my thinking is that he may possibly have been the man that converted his faith and further records maybe held within the Anglican church.

    My question is that if you manage to come across anything in your research that may refer to my Patrick or if you happen to find him in your branch of the Taylor family tree I'd love to hear from you.

    Wishing you luck in your search!

    Fiona Taylor

    P.S: Fantastic websites for your research are The, you'll find the 1901 and 1911 censuses, for birth/death/marriage certs and and Griffith's Valuation for townslands and areas all over Ireland that had families with your surname residing in them.

    Fiona Taylor

    Saturday 20th Jun 2020, 11:39AM
  • I probably should have explained the set up of the local villages for you too.

    The areas in Tipperary we are discussing in this thread are made up of two boardering parishes Knockavilla/Doneskeigh and Anacarthy/Donohill. In between these two parishes is another village called Dundrum and this village is centred around the Anglican church and this church would have and still does serve people of the Anglican faith from areas in both the afore mentioned parishes.

    The townslands begining with 'G' that I mentioned in my previous message are situated in the Anacarthy side of the Anacarthy/Donohill parish and this area of townslands is right on the border with the parish of Dundrum.

    So there's a possibility that some of your family maybe linked to the church in Dundrum.

    I've also heard that there are quite a few Taylor's buried in Kilpatrick Cemetery in Anacarthy but I don't think this information can be sourced online and I know that a lot of my side would have been buried in a small cemetery called Ballintemple.

    Hope this is of some help to you.

    Fiona Taylor

    Saturday 20th Jun 2020, 01:05PM
  • Jane, Thank you so much for the information and the website links.  These will be very helpful in my search.  I appreciate your time.  Mary





    Saturday 20th Jun 2020, 06:05PM
  • Fiona,  I think this is the family I am searching for.  This is actually my husband's family.  There is the same legend that the family came from England to Ireland and married into an Irish Catholic family.  We were in Knockavilla/Dundrum 10 years ago.  My husband's grandmother visited her cousin who lived there (both are now deceased) back in the 1960's or '70's.  My husband's uncle who accompanied his mother there put together a family tree which was given to me.  I am the only one doing any kind of family research.  I will study it a bit more.  I know the Michael Taylor I am looking for was married twice. My husband's family is from the first wife.  I am going to study what you wrote to see if I can find a connection.  I will let you know what I find.  Thanks also for the information about the villages.  That will help immensely.   This is exciting to get all this information from you and Jane.  I wish I had more information on my Irish gg grandfather.  He was from Tipperary also.  But that's it, no idea where exactly and there are hundreds of John Hogans, I've found.   Again thank you both for the help.  This is exciting for me to follow the links you have given me.   Mary 


    Saturday 20th Jun 2020, 06:21PM
  • Oh my God, you're the American family I've been looking for!!
    You are 100% related to me : )

    My gg grandfather Michael Taylor married twice and his second wife was Ellen Ryan and I was told the children from his first marriage went to America. I haven't been able to find any names or records of Michael's first marriage so it's a miracle that we've literally just found each other on here.

    I also found a picture of your husbands grandmother in my grandmothers photo album from the time she came to visit in the 1960's/70's.

    I'd love to find out more about your side of the family.

    If you wish to contact me further my email is

    Can't wait to tell my Dad and uncle that I've actually found you : )


    Fiona Taylor

    Sunday 21st Jun 2020, 01:02AM
  • I know this is a bit late, but I finally found this site.  Fiona and I have been in contact with each other, so maybe I have info for MaryT as well.  Fiona and I are 4th cousins, via my mom whose mother and great parents were from Tipperary.



    Friday 19th Feb 2021, 10:06PM
  • Hello Tylor

    I can not help wiith your query, but I noticed the name Costello.  This might be strange to ask, but do you know if she had any female relatives name Elizabeth Costello married to Michael Flanagan??  I do know they were from County Tipperary they were the parents of my 2xgreat grandfather John Flanagan born County Tipperary 1832 and died in Australia 1898.

    Thank you.  Gale


    Saturday 20th Feb 2021, 04:28AM
  • Hi Gale, In doing more research and receiving more information who gave me the name Costello, I found that was a mistake. The person who gave it to me originally mixed up a different Michael Taylor.  I am sorry that I cannot help you with finding out more about the Costellos.  





    Saturday 20th Feb 2021, 12:23PM
  • Wally,  Fiona has also mentioned you to me.  I am searching to find a connection between the families that emigrated to the US.  There has to be one somewhere.  


    Saturday 20th Feb 2021, 12:25PM
  • So many Taylors Mary, it ends up being a ball of confusion!  If I can be of any help, let me know.  Here is my family page on Ancestry:


    And you can always reach me via email if that helps as well.  I have a subscription to and can search the USA papers for info i needed.  My mom's grandparents lived in Rhode Island (very poor records online except mostly US census) and they also lived in Blackstone, Massachusetts which seemed to have quite a connection to a number of Taylors.  Our family ancestors were mostly in the cotton and woolen mill industry.

    Wally   -



    Saturday 20th Feb 2021, 01:13PM
  • Hi Maryt

    You can't see me but I am sulking in the corner.  Thank you any way.  I have had my question on here for a while and was just hoping for a break-through.    Thank you again.  Gale


    Sunday 21st Feb 2021, 02:51AM
  • Hi  all. I  have access to Kilpatrick headstone Ins. Will look  them up and get back to you.

    for the lady who mentioned Hogan, I am searching for Hogan ancestors in   Gurtussa Lower parish of Knockavilla.  .1860

    Volunteer  Christina.

    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 21st Feb 2021, 12:02PM
  • Trust me, Gale.  I totally understand.  Good luck on your search.  One day, you will find them.  Mary




    Sunday 21st Feb 2021, 12:40PM
  • Thank you Mary, I certainly hope so.  And when I do not only will Australia know all about it, but I will wake the dead ancestors in Ireland as well.  


    Monday 22nd Feb 2021, 04:46AM
  • Kilpatrick Graveyard

    Rhese two headstones are side by side

    Erected by Michael and William Taylor Gortard, in memory of their parents
    William Taylor died November 12 th 1840 aged 77 years and his wife Margaret Taylor
    alias Brien died August 7 th 1839 aged 78 years. Also Patrick Taylor of Graffin died 22 nd September 1916 aged 86 years 37 . Patrick Taylor of Ballinahinch died 31 st August
    1944 aged 76 years
    . In memory of Michael Taylor Rossbeg Anacarty died May 11 th 1963 aged 72
    years; his sister Katie died August 20 th 1942; Mary Ryan died June 8 th 1946; their son
    Michael Taylor died April 20 th 1982 aged 48 years and his wife Hanora died October
    3 rd 1987 aged 91 years

    Hope this helps

    P J



    P J

    Monday 22nd Feb 2021, 11:42PM
  • To Gale:


    I don't have any specifics, but I have been looking through the Baptismal records from the parish of Cappawhite in Tipperary for my Bradshaw- Burke family connection, and noticed that the Costello name came up quite a few times.


    good luck!



    Wednesday 24th Feb 2021, 12:54AM
  • Hi Mary


    ooooo thank you so much for the info.  Did you find them in NLI ?  Here's hoping.  Again thank you and will let you know.


    Wednesday 24th Feb 2021, 05:42AM
  • Yes - I got the records through the NLI.... pretty tedious to look through all the records because you can't search for a name, and you have to get the hang of the writing style, but still fun!



    Friday 26th Feb 2021, 02:18AM
  • I was going along fine until everything went Latin and then well that did me in.  Is Tipperary in Munster???????  That has come up quite a lot so just wodering.  g


    Friday 26th Feb 2021, 04:36AM
  • Gale,  Tipperary is in Munster.


    Christina, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 26th Feb 2021, 05:29AM
  • Hi Christina   Thank you, wasn't sure.  Just been watching Finding Irish Ancestors at RootsTech, and I know how to use Irish Genealogy properly, instead of thinking flipping hopelss and clicking out.  



    Saturday 27th Feb 2021, 05:35AM

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