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I am trying to find inromation on John Flanagan and all the variables of his last name.  He was born 1832 in County Tipperary and arrived in Australia 1856 and married in Australia. His parents were Michael Flanagan and Elizabeth Costello.  I have searched NLI and all the usual places and have not been able to find any information on his parents or his actual birth place or date.  Thank you.  Gale


Tuesday 18th Aug 2020, 02:28PM

Message Board Replies

  • Gale:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I searched on two subscription sites and did not find a baptismal record for John.

    I did find one baptismal record for a Catherine Flanagan on April 8 1843 at Cloughjordan RC parish.The parents shown were  Michael Flanagan and  Elizabeth Costello. They lived in Ballycapple townland which is in Modreeny civil parish in North Tipperary. The records for Cloughjordan RC parish start in 1833.  Possibly this is your family. Do you have any other info on the family?

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Tuesday 18th Aug 2020, 03:13PM
  • Hi Roger

    Wow thank you so much for the information.  Unfortunately the only information I have is what I stated.  I know more about John once he moved to Australia as he is my 3x Grea Grandfather.  On his death/marriage cert. he only states ounty Tipperary as his plae of birth and that his parents are Michael and Elizabeth, the only other thing I guess is that Michael was a farmer.  I will definately look up what you have provided, as that is the only information that I have received and it does sound promising.  I will let you know how it goes.  Again thank you so much.  Gale


    Tuesday 18th Aug 2020, 09:12PM
  • Hi Gale.

    Not sure if you received my earlier reply. I nay have replied incorrectly. My Australian Flanagan contact, Joye Flanagan, of Grenfell, NSW, doesn't know anything  about your John Flanagan but she is very interested to know what you might know about him in Australia. She believes there could be a connection because the name Michael runs strongly through the Flanagan family in Australia. She has done a lot of research in Ireland so if there is a connection she would be happy to exchange info with you.

    My personal e-mail address is if you would like to send information on your John and I will pass it on to Joye.

    Ron Norton.

    Ron Norton

    Wednesday 19th Aug 2020, 05:09AM
  • Hi Ron

    Thank you so much for the ino.  This would be the first time there is a possibility of having someone in Australia that might be connected.  Very Exciting.


    Wednesday 19th Aug 2020, 09:09PM

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