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I am interested if anyone has information on the William Kingsley 1804-1887 of Knigh (son of James Kingsley and Ursula Mellsop or Esmenia Bell), and son James Toler Kingsley. I am finding so many links with Falkiner, Toler and Maunsell's in this family tree. Thanks, Margo (descendant in Australia).

Friday 1st Nov 2013, 06:17AM

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  • Photo of page135', Monsea and Killodieran , by Danny Grace.


    Hi -  I hope what I have found is of some help- please contact me at if you ave any other questions
    there is quite a lot of information on the Internet on the Kingsley family from Knigh and Ballyhogan( which are 2 townlands very close to each other)- 

    The 1901/ 1911 census have some members of the family-

    There are references to them in newspapers- either through - or 
    The Nenagh Guardian, or Nenagh news that can be accessed through

    Also have many BMD records for Kingsley in North Tipperary- each of these are pay by view- 
    Some of these can also be accessed on as can some records of wills, also searchable at
    Family search also has many other records.


    Tithes Applotment- 1824 William Kingsley, Knig…

    Lefroy (Leitrim & Limerick)
    Property/House name:    Knigh Cottage
    Description:    In 1840 the Ordnance Survey Name Books mention Right Hon. Thomas Lefroy as the proprietor of this house, "a neat cottage, the residence of William Kingsley". He was still the occupier at the time of Griffith's Valuation, when the house was valued at ?5. Family history sources suggest that the Kingsley family continued to reside at Knigh Cottage into the early twentieth century when it was acquired by the Harty family. It is still extant.
    Townland:    Knigh    

    Also here are the 
    Transcriptions from Knigh graveyard:

    Here lies the body of Mr. Samuel Kingsley, who departed this life 20 Feb 1753, aged 73 yrs.
    His son, Mr. John Kingsley, who died 20th April, 1762 aged 51 yrs

    Here lies the body of Mrs Ursula Kingsley, who died Aug 6th 1788, aged 32 yrs.

    Sacred to the memory of William Kingsley of Rockford. This stone is erected by his deeply afflicted widow. He departed this life Sept 4, 1801, aged 48.

    This memorial was erected in memory of Jimenia Kingsley of Ballyhogan, who died the 12th day of October, in the year of our Lord God, 1801 aged ?8 years. 

    Erected by Saml Kingsley, in the memory of his father, James Kingsley of Ballyhogan, who dep. June 13 1816, aged 60.

    Sacred to the memory of Eliza Kingsley, widow to the late Major Kingsley, who died 31st oct 1818, aged 68 years.

    Also the body of the Rev. James Kingsley, curate of Grasmere,Westmoreland, son of the above named, who died on the 8 th Feb 1839 aged 29 years.

    This stone is placed here by Samuel Barry Jun. of Borrisokane in memory of his beloved wife, Mary annabelle, daughter of the late James Kingsley of Ballyhogan. She departed this life 19th day of February, 1840

    Sacred to the memory of Eluza Emily, daughter of George Kingsley esq., M.D. And Mary his wife and grandaughter of Captain & Eliza Kingsley of Riverview, died Dec 5 th 1874, aged 4 years and 8 months.

    In memory of Ma jor J. Bell Kingsley, 98th regiment, died at Riverview 1882 Eliza Kingsley, his wife, died 1896
    Their sons,
    George TS Kingsley M.D. Died 1880
    Colonel W.H. Bell Kingsley , C.B. died 1 st Oct. 1901

    In loving memory of Mary Frances Kingsley, widow of Colonel. W.H.B. Kingsley, C.B. of Riverview, Nenagh. 

    I hope this is of some help, 

    Monsea Tipperary

    Saturday 2nd Nov 2013, 06:03PM
  • Hi Everyone,

    I am interested in the house known as Rockford. Major William Grey/Gray married Ellen (Eleanor) daughter of William Kinglsey of Rockford Nenagh Co Tipperary. They settled in Avoca Van Diemen's Land in 1826 and built a house called Rockford.


    I am assuming this may have been her father:  Sacred to the memory of William Kingsley of Rockford. This stone is erected by his deeply afflicted widow. He departed this life Sept 4, 1801, aged 48

    But not sure I would very much like to verify this and the second image on this web site.

    If you have any thoughts on this I would be very greatful


    kindest regards



    Ian Broinowski

    Tuesday 7th Apr 2015, 02:00AM

    For Margo Connell,   Regarding information on William Kingsley from our records it appears that he was the 2nd son of James Kingsley from his second marriage to Ismenia Bell of Bellgrove Co. Tipperary. We have no further information on William but note that his elder brother Samuel Bell Kingsley migrated to Australia in the 1850's and died in Maida Vale. James Kingsley had 2 sons and one daughter from his first marriage to Ursula Melsop, his daughter, also Ursula, married a Maunsell.  My sister (in France) is presently collating a history of the Kingsley Family which will eventually published on Amazon, if you have knowledge on Kingsley's in Australia that you are able to share they can be included.  Incidentally I migrated to Australia in 1989.                                                                                                                                                                          

    For Ian Broinowski. Your William was born in 1745 and died in 1801 and lived at Rockford Nenagh Ireland, his daughter France's inherited the property on his death. Williams father James Kingsley was married to Eleanor Toler. A number of Kingsleys served in the armed forces in South Africa during the 1800's. Likewise would welcome any further knowledge of Kingsleys in Africa for the book.    

    My email address is should either of you like to correspond.


    R. Jeremy Kingsley


    Saturday 12th Sep 2015, 03:16PM
  • Hi, I am a relative of Esmenia Bell. The spelling we have written on our family tree is Ismenia though. She was a Bell of Belgrove Estate. Mum said we (Bell family) lost Belgrove when one of the daughters, either Ismenia or Trelitia, was divorced. Mum always said it was skullduggery. I think the husband was a lawyer. Mum did the family tree back to about 1300 but I don't have it at hand.

    I'm in Australia and can be contacted via Facebook. Lisa Carpenter.

    Friday 30th Aug 2019, 06:10PM
  • Lisa, so nice to connect. I descend from James Kingsley and his second wife, Esmenia Bell, d/o Samuel Bell and Mary Ann Labatt. How are you related to Esmenia?  I don't have much relating to the Bells but I do know of 3 of Esmenia's children who emigrated from Ireland:

    1) Diana Jane Bell Kingsley married Frederick Henry Falkiner in 1829.  They emigrated to Canada. I descend from their son James K, his son Thomas, and his son, James Falkiner (my father).  There were other related Falkiners who emigrated to Tasmania, including Daniel Falkiner who married Margaret Grey, daughter of Humphrey Grey who was a cousin of brothers Maj William and Capt James Grey of Tasmania.

    2) Samuel Bell Kingsley emigrated to Tasmania with his 1st wife Dorothea Maunsell. She and their only child died there. He  remarried a Malvina Butler Bryan. I know nothing about them except that they had a daughter (unknown name) born in 1854 in Hobart and they relocated to Ascot Vale.  Samuel died in 1865 and is buried at Melbourne General Cemetery. Malvina outlived him by many years, and died in 1904.

    3)  Eleanor Toler Kingsley emigrated to Tasmania with her husband Major William Kingsley Grey (s/o Richard Grey M.D. and Ann Kingsley).  Her middle name of Toler is derrived from her paternal grandmother, Eleanor Toler who married James Kingsley Esq. of Ballyhogan in 1743.  So Eleanor's paternal aunt was Ann Kingsley Grey, who was also her husband's mother, which makes Maj. Wm Kingsley Grey and his wife Eleanor, first cousins. Richard Grey M.D. and his son Basil died, but his widow Ann came out to Tasmania with her sons and died there in 1837.

    Of those children of James Kingsley and Esmenia Bell who remained in Ireland, I will only name a few:

    a) Mary Annebelle married Samuel Barry Jr.. Her memorial is posted above for Knigh Graveyard.

    b) William George Kingsley Esq. (1804-1887) died at Nenagh.

    c)  Maj/Capt James Bell Kingsley, eldest son of James Kingsley and Esmenia Bell, married Elizabeth "Eliza" Adamson in 1825.  This couple is associated wth the property known as Riverview in the C.P. of Knigh. Their 2 sons were Col. William Henry (m. Mary Frances Kelly) and George T Kingsley Esq, M.D. (m. Mary Keon).  All of these people are noted in the posting above as having been buried in the Knigh Graveyard.  However I also BELIEVE they had a daughter named Emily Harriet Kingsley. She was involved in a scandal that ultimately resulted in divorce from Rowan Francis Cashell M.D. as a result of her affair with Jonathan Harding. It was well documented in the local newspapers.  Emily apparently left for America between the time her husband obtained a decree of divorce and she retruned to her father's house and . [Kerry Evening Post. - Saturday 10 March 1866, pg1.]  Nothing more is known of her. But I think it is unlikely she woul have left for America without having a relative residing there. "America" implies the US however it could also have been Canada.

    I will connect with you on facebook.

    Trisha Falkiner Kelly



    Sunday 1st Sep 2019, 01:00AM
  • Ismenia and Treletia Bell is my mother's line

    Tuesday 20th Oct 2020, 12:51PM
  • Hello,

    If you're interested, here is some information on Mary Keon, married to George T. Kingsley:
    "Their 2 sons were Col. William Henry (m. Mary Frances Kelly) and George T Kingsley Esq, M.D. (m. Mary Keon)"

    Mary Plunkett Keon (1845 to 25 Sep 1895) is buried at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin. Her parents were William Plunkett Keon and Lucinda O'Brien. Mary is buried with Arthur Wellesley Briscoe, her brother in law who was married to her sister Frances "Fanny" Plunkett Keon.



    Nancy Ahern

    Wednesday 24th Nov 2021, 03:58PM
  • As published in the Irish American Weekly, New York, New York, Saturday, October 16, 1880. "DIED. Kingsley - Sept 21, at 5 Lower Sherrard St., Dublin, of rapid consumption, George T Kingsley, Esq., M.D., Borrisokane, youngest son of Captain Kingsley, Riverview, Nenagh."  His initial T standa for Tuthill.

    My records show that George T Kingsley and Mary Plunkett Keon married on 08 Aug 1868 at Swinford, Mayo, Ireland (Swinford Church).  I obtained this info from a newspaper article as follows: "At Swinford Church, George T. Kingsley, Esq. M.D., youngest son of Capt. Kingsley of River View, Nenagh, to Mary, eldest daughter of William P. Keon, Esq."

    Trisha Falkiner Kelly


    Thursday 25th Nov 2021, 03:46PM
  • Hi Trisha 

    Great to read the information you have collected.

    I have written a book on the GreyGray family who moved to Tasmania in 1826. James  and William Gray came here and three years later their cousin 2nd removed Humphrey Grey and his family. 

     Ballycurragh to Tasmania 1649 – 1868 The Grey Family and Innes Clan

    A Family Narrative

    This is a narrative about three Gray families and their new lives in their chosen home of Van Diemen’s Land in the late 1830s and the reasons which propelled each one into such a momentous change. However, their family journey originated centuries before in Ireland during the tumultuous English Civil War when their ancestor Lt Colonel John Grey stepped ashore at Ringsend, Dublin as part of Cromwell’s Army on the 15th August 1649. This book explores these events and consequences for one family and its descendants.

    The first two to arrive in VDL were Major William and Ellen Gray and his brother Lt James and Mary Gray followed shortly afterward by their cousin Humphrey Grey, his wife Anne and their children. Their story embraces just about all of our human emotions, through the quest for a better life, not only for themselves but for their children and future generations. In essence, like most emigrants, this was their primary motivation although compelling events such as war, economic and social challenges beyond the individual were also at play.

    The Greys were no different from thousands of other families who chose to travel to Australia and by exploring their lives, experiences and destinies we can learn just a little more about life in early colonial Tasmania.

    Editor and writer: Dr Ian Broinowski

    Roscomroe  contributors Paddy Murray and Paddy Hearney.

    Illustrator: Richard Chuck

    Contributions by Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta


    I am sorry but its too long to send it to you. There are two volumes and they are available from


    I hope this helps


    kindest regards



    ps I am in Hobart and my phone number is 0437547396 if you want to have a chat

    Ian Broinowski

    Saturday 27th Nov 2021, 10:52AM
  • Going back to Emily Harriet Kingsley, there is more to know:

    1867: Emily married Dr. William H. Fox, William died 20 Oct 1883. In Dr. Fox's obituary can be seen "In 1867, Dr. Fox was again married to Emily Kingsley, of West Meath county, Ireland, a lady of much brilliancy of mind, who has shown high literary attainments in the production of several books, and who has kept up the reputation of the Fox home, as one of luxury, happiness and comfort."

    23 Aug 1884: Emily is listed as a widow with last name Fox, otherwise Kingsley, in the civil record of her marriage to Arthur Henry Noyes in Rathdown, the witnesses were Eliza Kingsley and Dora Adamson. Arthur and Emily moved to Grand Forks, Dakota Territories, now known as North Dakota. Arthur Noyes died 19 Mar 1915.

    Emily died in Grand Forks 03 Jul 1886. "Mrs. Arthur H. Noyes, better known by her nom de plume of "Toller King," died at Grand Forks, Dak., June 10. She was the author of "Rose O'Connor," "Off the Rock" and two books of the "No-name" series.


    Hope this information helps,


    Nancy Ahern

    Sunday 28th Nov 2021, 04:36PM

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