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I am seeking information on, or relatives of, Patrick Keough and Pat Ryan of Grantstown Townland and Mary Taylor of Kilfeacle Townland.

I believe in 1846 Patrick Keough (B-1811?) landed in New York. In 1847 Pat Ryan (B-1816?), also of Grantstown, married Mary Taylor (B-1827?) of Kilfeacle Townland. In 1848(?) son Matthew was born to Pat and Mary. In 1849 Pat Ryan arrived in the USA at, I believe, the urging of Pat Keough who had gone on before and found work in Mauch Chunk Pa.

I know that Patrick Keough and Pat and Mary Ryan lived out their lives in Mauch Chunk where Pat and Mary raised 8 boys. Patrick Keough passed away on Sept 27, 1871, Pat Ryan passed in 1896 and Mary in 1897. I have visited the site where they are interred, next to each other, in the Ryan Family Plot of the Original Section of the Immaculate Conception Cemetery in Jim Thorpe (formerly Mauch Chunk) Pa. Image attached.

Pat Ryan is my GGrandfather.

Any and all information is very much appreciated.


Friday 7th Jun 2013, 03:47PM

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