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Seeking information about the ancestors of Michael O'Donnell, possibly born near Golden about 1815-17. His father's name was Richard O'Donnell and his mother's name was Mary (maiden name unknown). It's not known if Michael had any brothers or sisters. Michael married Sarah Meade (her parents were Richard Meade and Mary (maiden name Murphy) from Cork. The marriage took place in the Church of St Finbarr in Dunbar St Cork on 14 October 1840 (we have a copy of the marriage certificate). Michael and Sarah then left for Australia on 23 January 1841 on the Moffat. He's shown on the ships records as being 23 when he left (indicating he may have been born in 1817), but he died in Australia on 6 March 1861 and is recorded as being in his 45th year (indicating he may have been born in 1815 or 1816.  His father, Richard, had died by January 1841, as his mother is noted on Michael's embarkation papers as a widow and Michael is noted as being from Golden. He may have been educated, as he took a position as a teacher in Australia in 1842 at a Catholic school,.before taking up farm management..

Sunday 2nd Mar 2014, 02:40PM

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