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I am looking for any information/records on the family of John Hodgins, born 1756 in Finnoe Parish.  It is believed he was married to Mary Jane Prittie on 1 Sept 1785 in Modreeny.  John is believed to have died in 1816 in Old Court, Tipperary.  Mary Jane may have been born in 1763 in Kilmore Parish and died 21 Feb 1853 in Dromineer.  Their children were possibly Colonel James Robert born April 1786 in Borrisokane and immigrated to Canada in about 1837, I believe.  Second son, Thomas was born in 1787 in Dromineer.  Mary Prittie Hodgins was born possibly 23 Dec 1788.  Susan was born in 1797 as well as John Hodgins Jr.  Adam was born in 1799 in Dromineer and then Maryann in 1805 and 1810.  John Sr. and Thomas are the people I am most interesting in finding as they are my ancestors, but any information on any of the lines would be greatly apprecitated.  Most of this information comes from the book; Hodgins Kindred Forever by Lester Hodgins of Canada, printed in 1977.  Thank you so much!

Monday 6th Mar 2017, 03:13PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi:


    Many thanks for your post to the Ireland Reaching Out message board.

    You may be aware that the Hodgins family were some of the emigrants that went to Canada through the Talbot Emigrant Scheme.

    Bruce Elliot has done an excellent thesis on that and you should have a look at it through this link:

    In addition, there is another website that may have information about Hodgins family members:

    The best of luck with your research and a Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

    Kind regards,



    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Thursday 16th Mar 2017, 08:05PM
  • My connection with Hodges is through Mary Prittie Hodgins marrying Francis Ryan 7 june 1783 Nenagh Ireland - 8 april 1856 Biddulph Middlesex Ontario Canada. children possibly John Ryan, Nathanial Ryan, William Hodgins Ryan.

    sorry cant offer much more


    Colin Ryan


    Saturday 1st Jun 2024, 03:23AM

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