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I am researching my husband's family in Ireland. His grandparents James Strappe and Theresa Moloney came to the USA in 1925. Some research I found puts a James Strappe in Drangan with a father Patrick and mother Mary Ellen Ryan. Is there any way I can confirm I have the correct people? According to the Irish census the Strappe lived in Drangan, when this James was a child. Thanks in advance for your help.

Wednesday 16th Dec 2015, 10:50AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Marla

    I see that Roger answered your earlier query. The only way to feel sure about this is to research the name (which isn't very common) and try your best to piece together what you can using the sources available. At the link below you will see the dates on which the records start and what is available on and off line:…

    If you had something sure to work with to cross reference like a mother's name then that would be your certainty but you may have to go on an information gathering exercise in the meantime until you come to something more concrete - perhaps sponsors on a baptism or witnesses on a marriage record.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 16th Dec 2015, 11:03AM
  • Thanks! It looks like I will need my best reading glasses! I got so lucky with my husband's grandmother... Someone actually posted the history of the Burke's and Moloney's online! There is also extensive information about Walter Strapp who came to the US in the 1800s and I only hope he was a cousin so I can add that info. Thank you for your help! Merry Christmas!

    Thursday 17th Dec 2015, 11:22AM
  • Happy Christmas to you too and all the best for the New Year


    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 17th Dec 2015, 01:10PM

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