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Has anyone any nformation of a family named Berkery (various spellings) who may have been married or baptised in this Parish in the early 1800's,  Any information on one Owen Berkery who appeared in the Giffiths Valuations as living as Lisgorade would be particularly helpful.  Thank you .


Saturday 26th Mar 2016, 11:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • ​My apologies for the very late response. Have you had a look on the National Library site for the original parish records (baptisms and marriages?) and Find My Past have provided an index:

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Friday 15th Apr 2016, 01:24PM
  • Yes thank you Clare, I have been diligently researching this family for many years but have hit a road block. I have been through all the Parish records and have noted all the Berkery names mentioned even as sponsors.  (And I have even included the possible variant spellings).  Unfortunately I am unable to connect the individuals even though I suspect they would all be connected - cousins etc. Thank you for your response, Clare, I will just keep plodding on - one never knows when a breakthrough might come!  Genealogy can be a surprising game.


    Friday 10th Jun 2016, 09:09PM
  • Let us know how you get on!

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 13th Jun 2016, 08:06AM
  • Hi there. 

    Lisgarode joins the Parish of Toomevara and there are still Berkery family members living in Toomevara Village. There is a Berkery family plot in Latteragh Graveyard but no information on who's buried there (other than that it was erected by a Con Berkery). There is no Berkery history known at present in Cloughjordan or Modreeny. Berkery's seem to be more associated with Doon/Upperchurch and Rearcross and the Tipperary/Limerick border. Try the Toomevara Parish with your request.

    Best of luck. Tori

    Tuesday 4th Oct 2016, 08:50AM
  • Hi,
    As you can see, I'm a Berkery, don't know if I am related to you or not ?!
    I see you are tracing an "Owen Berkery" from the Griffith Valuations, Owen is a form of John or Sean, also spelled Eoin. Get in touch, I may be able to throw some light on it. Good luck.

    Monday 20th Feb 2017, 01:20AM




    Hi Skyrish2us,

    You are correct in saying they are probably all cousins, the Berkerys are in toomevara,upperchurch/kilcommon,templederry, latteragh,etc. I have found something which may help but forget about Cloughjordan your in the wrong area. You inquired about Owen Berkery, well i have found 'Owen Berekery in the ' Ireland Valuation Office Books 1831-1856' for a 'Land Assessment in 1848 in Kilruane(Nenagh), Co. Tipperary.

    Event Place(Original) : Lisgarode, Kilruane, Upper Ormond, Tipperary, Ireland.                                                                   

    Affiliate Record Type: House Books

    County: Tipperary

    Parish: Kilruane    

    Barony: Upper Ormond

    So I found a bit of native sod you can call your own, at least one time anyway. Hope this helps.D'ont worry about the spelling of 'berkery'. The individuals who filled out the forms spelt names the way they sounded and thats why people have terrible difficulties findind evidence of their ancestors because the names can be spelt in different ways.


    John Kelly (Volunteer, IrelandXO).


    Wednesday 22nd Feb 2017, 03:06PM
  • Just coming across this post now. I am Don Ryan Raymond g. grandson of Michael Ryan Raymond. I see you have information on your tree in relation to Michael, but some of your dates are incorrect. If you want to contact me I can fill in some gaps for you. I am based in Dublin, with a second house in Glenough, Tipperary



    Ryan Raymond

    Sunday 29th Nov 2020, 03:37PM

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